[Editor: This untitled article was published in the news section of the Evening News (Sydney, NSW), 27 May 1892.] [The speeches of the members for Balmain] The speeches of the members for Balmain on Wednesday evening showed the difficulty in which Australia has been … [Read more...] about [The speeches of the members for Balmain] [27 May 1892]
racial attitudes
A world’s union [by Mary Gilmore, 1 June 1914]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in The Lone Hand (Sydney, NSW), 1 June 1914.] A world’s union By Mary Gilmore Sir Rider Haggard recently said that what was much needed by those directing affairs was “imagination.” Apparently, he was speaking for … [Read more...] about A world’s union [by Mary Gilmore, 1 June 1914]
The black streak in Queensland [25 April 1892]
[Editor: This article about kanakas in Queensland was published in The National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW), 25 April 1892.] The black streak in Queensland. Eight vessels are being fitted out in Queensland for the Islands on “black-birding” expeditions. In other words a … [Read more...] about The black streak in Queensland [25 April 1892]
Australia First [by Earle Page, 14 November 1928]
[Editor: This article, by Earle Page, was published in The Sydney Mail (Sydney, NSW), 14 November 1928.] Australia First “We want Australia first!” shouted an interrupting crowd at one of the Prime Minister’s meetings recently. Certainly. All will endorse that Australia … [Read more...] about Australia First [by Earle Page, 14 November 1928]
A White Australia: What it means [by Oswald P. Law and W. T. Gill, January 1904]
[Editor: This article by Oswald P. Law and W. T. Gill was published in The Nineteenth Century and After (London, England), Vol. 55 No. 323, January 1904.] A White Australia: What it means To the mind of Australians it is abundantly clear that the significance of the … [Read more...] about A White Australia: What it means [by Oswald P. Law and W. T. Gill, January 1904]
White Australia [23 July 1910]
[Editor: An article about a sermon by the Rev. G. E. Wheatley on White Australia. Published in The Daily News (Perth, WA), 23 July 1910.] White Australia. At the Leederville-West Perth Congregational Church last Sunday evening, the Rev. G. E. Wheatley delivered the second … [Read more...] about White Australia [23 July 1910]
The white man’s flag [by Mary Gilmore, 22 April 1920]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in the “For Worker Women” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Australian Worker (Sydney, NSW), 22 April 1920.] The white man’s flag. An issue or two ago I used strong images and direct language in some verse … [Read more...] about The white man’s flag [by Mary Gilmore, 22 April 1920]
Song of the Anti-White [song by Mary Gilmore, 8 April 1920]
[Editor: This song by Mary Gilmore was published in the “For Worker Women” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Australian Worker (Sydney, NSW), 8 April 1920.] Song of the Anti-White. (With special reference to the “Sydney Morning Herald” and other papers with a … [Read more...] about Song of the Anti-White [song by Mary Gilmore, 8 April 1920]
How will this affect us? [by Mary Gilmore, 6 May 1909]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in the “Our Women’s Page” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 6 May 1909.] How will this affect us? “The Times” (London) of March 5 has the following item: “INDIAN EMIGRATION TO … [Read more...] about How will this affect us? [by Mary Gilmore, 6 May 1909]
The race and the alien [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1908]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in “A Woman’s Column” (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Sydney, NSW), 16 April 1908.] The race and the alien. Last week I sent in a quoted article from the “Australasian” on this subject. I made no … [Read more...] about The race and the alien [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1908]
The revenges of time and a question of color [by Mary Gilmore, 9 April 1908]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in “A Woman’s Column” (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Sydney, NSW), 9 April 1908.] The revenges of time and a question of color. The revenges of time and the justification of the maligned, indeed! When one … [Read more...] about The revenges of time and a question of color [by Mary Gilmore, 9 April 1908]
Christian Russ and pagan Jap. [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1904]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in The Clipper (Hobart, Tas.), 16 April 1904.] Christian Russ and pagan Jap. As mentioned in your Free Speech column last week one of the most singular things in connection with this war is the attitude of Christian to … [Read more...] about Christian Russ and pagan Jap. [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1904]
Yesterday, the barrier; to-morrow — what? [13 February 1913]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in the “Our Women’s Page” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 13 February 1913.] Yesterday, the barrier; to-morrow — what? I. Sitting in the Kiosk in Hyde Park the other day and … [Read more...] about Yesterday, the barrier; to-morrow — what? [13 February 1913]
Ah Hong, Chinaman [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
[Editor: This untitled article, about a Chinese man being buried with both Anglican and Chinese traditions, is an extract from the “Personal items” column published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 21 August 1886.] [Ah Hong, Chinaman] Ah Hong, Chinaman, recently buried at … [Read more...] about Ah Hong, Chinaman [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
The Chinese in Australia: Their vices and their victims [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
[Editor: This article, about Chinese in Australia, was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 21 August 1886. A related article appeared in the same issue, “The Chinese must go”.] The Chinese in Australia. Their vices and their victims. Disease, defilement, … [Read more...] about The Chinese in Australia: Their vices and their victims [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
The Imperial Federation lie [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
[Editor: This article about Imperial Federation (the proposed parliamentary union of the British Empire) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 21 August 1886.] The Imperial Federation lie. When Lord Tennyson, in his official capacity as poetic dancing skeleton to … [Read more...] about The Imperial Federation lie [The Bulletin, 21 August 1886]
Joe Brunnel’s Dream [10 August 1895]
[Editor: This short story was published in The Worker (Brisbane, Qld.), 10 August 1895.] Joe Brunnel’s Dream. Shearing was about to commence at —— station, and about a dozen of the old hands had arrived. Seated in the hut after the usual evening meal, we were relating … [Read more...] about Joe Brunnel’s Dream [10 August 1895]
Anti-Chinese movement [1 August 1861]
[Editor: An article about a public meeting held to oppose Chinese immigration into Australian (the meeting took place soon after the Lambing Flat riots). Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 August 1861.] Anti-Chinese movement. A Public Meeting for the purpose of … [Read more...] about Anti-Chinese movement [1 August 1861]
Keep off the grass [11 October 1901]
[Editor: An editorial critical of the Barton government’s acceptance of the British government’s directive to not create an explicitly racial immigration law. Published in The Independent (Deniliquin, NSW), 11 October 1901.] Keep off the grass. “When in doubt, play … [Read more...] about Keep off the grass [11 October 1901]
Mr. J. J. Kenneally at Broadford [7 September 1906]
[Editor: A report on an election meeting held in support of James Jerome Kenneally. Published in The Broadford Courier and Reedy Creek Times (Broadford, Vic.), 7 September 1906. In this article the newspaper capitalized some selected phrases and utilized them as … [Read more...] about Mr. J. J. Kenneally at Broadford [7 September 1906]
Part III Chapter X [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter X Black Christmas — Peace on Earth, but no great joy for Australia In the afternoon of December 16, London time — two days after the massacre of the Federal garrison therefore — … [Read more...] about Part III Chapter X [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
To the Polls! Oh Workers! [30 March 1901]
[Editor: This article, about the Queensland Labor Party’s support for a White Australia, was published in the “Stray Notes” section of The Worker (Brisbane, Qld.), 30 March 1901.] To the Polls! Oh Workers! Every one of the leaders of the White Australia movement in … [Read more...] about To the Polls! Oh Workers! [30 March 1901]
The Immigration Restriction Bill [3 September 1901]
[Editor: This article from the The Sydney Morning Herald reiterates the concerns of its correspondent, Andrew Barton (“Banjo”) Paterson, on the immigration of Asians into Australia. Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 September 1901.] The Immigration Restriction … [Read more...] about The Immigration Restriction Bill [3 September 1901]