[Editor: This Christmas card, which incorporates a poem and a drawing of a young maiden holding an Australian flag, is dated 1912.]
To greet you
[Front of postcard]
To greet you
Industry and prosperity
Advance Australia
[Description: A drawing of a young maiden holding an Australian flag, situated above a plinth with the words “Advance Australia” carved on it.]
[Reverse of postcard]
[Handwritten text, in italics]
With Industry the Watchword
And Prosperity the Prize,
May every Year enrich the Soil
From which these Fruits arise.
The Labours of her Stalwart Sons,
Her Wealth and Strength enhance.
Uphold with will, her Motto still
Australia Advance!
“Should auld acquaintance be forgot?”
So runs the good old rhyme;
Then let this show that they are not
By me, this Christmas time.
From Daisey Cook
[No identifying information about the manufacturer was included on the card.]
Original document
Editor’s notes:
Dimensions (approximate): 118 mm. (width), 165 mm. (height).
The subject matter and text on the front of this card was printed on a bit of a slant; therefore, the reproduction of the card has been presented so that the subject matter and text are correctly aligned (which means that the card itself is not correctly aligned).
The back of the card was blank.
Shall she grow
The flannel flower
That she become
So the people of the mob
Become unified
As One
To take at stand
Brings those four letters of Word
Where nothing to lose
As already won
X flannel of the flower tribe
Such is life
By those coolabah trees
Where happy people gather
Chatter as they please