[Editor: This postcard (unused) incorporates a photograph of the Federal Government House in Melbourne (Victoria). The postcard is undated; however, it is believed to have been published circa 1908.] [Front of postcard] Federal Government House, … [Read more...] about Federal Government House, Melbourne [postcard, circa 1908]
“Where’s our scrip?” Gullible Australian investors [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article, regarding Australian investors apparently swindled by some shady American businessmen (or con men), was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] “Where’s our … [Read more...] about “Where’s our scrip?” Gullible Australian investors [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
The Bilby and the Bunny [poem by Tom Freeman, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This poem, by Tom Freeman, was published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] The Bilby and the Bunny. [For The Worker.] The Bilby came to the Wombat’s lodge While out on a jaunt one day. “Ho, Sloucher! How fares the world with you?” He hailed … [Read more...] about The Bilby and the Bunny [poem by Tom Freeman, 2 January 1908]
[Dr. D. F. MacGillicuddy] [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This untitled article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] [Dr. D. F. MacGillicuddy] Dr. D. F. MacGillicuddy, of Melbourne, in a lecture to a suburban branch of the Australian … [Read more...] about [Dr. D. F. MacGillicuddy] [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Union news] [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: These two untitled items, regarding the trade union movement, were included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] [Union news] The acting-secretary of the newly-formed Workers’ Association of … [Read more...] about [Union news] [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
Women and the drink question in Finland [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] Women and the drink question in Finland. Finland is a country of which little is known outside of Europe. Now and again we … [Read more...] about Women and the drink question in Finland [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
Cheese dishes for people in a hurry [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] Cheese dishes for people in a hurry. Scotch Rarebit. — Place some thin slices of cheese in a pan or plate where it will melt — … [Read more...] about Cheese dishes for people in a hurry [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
Household and coookery [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] Household and coookery. Very often a sick or delicate child will refuse plain sago, maizena or gruel, when he will take them … [Read more...] about Household and coookery [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
General notice to readers [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] General notice to readers It will be a great source of satisfaction to those conducting this department of The Worker if mothers … [Read more...] about General notice to readers [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
The origin of “knuckle under” [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] The origin of “knuckle under.” The word “knuckle” anciently meant any point of the body, and was commonly applied to the knee. … [Read more...] about The origin of “knuckle under” [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
With needle and thread [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article was included in “A Woman’s Column” (edited by Mary Gilmore), published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] With needle and thread. When a good linen tablecloth meets with an accident that leaves either an ugly stain or a hole, the … [Read more...] about With needle and thread [Mary Gilmore’s column, 2 January 1908]
A sovereign people [by W. G. Spence, 2 July 1908]
[Editor: This article, by W. G. Spence, regarding the Swiss style of government and democracy, was published in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 July 1908.] A sovereign people. No Government to check nor king to veto. No Supreme nor High Court to pass judgment on the … [Read more...] about A sovereign people [by W. G. Spence, 2 July 1908]
Margaret [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Margaret The skein is snapped, And the hand is still; She will spin no more By the window sill. ’Twas a poor design, And a paltry task; Could a common … [Read more...] about Margaret [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Rose on the Lattice [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Rose on the Lattice. You were born on my lattice oh wonderful thing, As old as creation yet new as the spring, And the odours of Eden about you still … [Read more...] about The Rose on the Lattice [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Blue Endearment of the Hills [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Blue Endearment of the Hills Is life not fair, when all around The blue endearment of the hills Lays on the eyes the larger sight That lifts and … [Read more...] about The Blue Endearment of the Hills [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Sorrow and Joy [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Sorrow and Joy Sorrow came down to the gate, To the gate of my innocent soul; And she cried, “Let me in, let me in, To carry the rue to its goal.” I cried, “It … [Read more...] about Sorrow and Joy [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Divided [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Divided When the rose on the stem Goes a-nod to the sun, And the east is aflame Where the dawn colours run. In that beautiful hour There is only for me A … [Read more...] about Divided [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
From the Star World [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] From the Star World You and I must have met In a star-world long ago; The thrill is with me yet, I worshipped and loved you so. I must have loved you … [Read more...] about From the Star World [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Night [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Night Night brings the bird to its nest, And cools the hot lips of the flower; She opens the fans of the bat, And beckons the moon o’er the tower. She … [Read more...] about Night [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Nautilus Shell [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Nautilus Shell Tossed on the foam ashore, skiff of the sea; What is your wondrous tale? Tell it to me. Dainty and delicate, were the waves rough? But you … [Read more...] about The Nautilus Shell [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
When Love Awakes [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] When Love Awakes. Like the frost on the pane Or the dew at the dawn, Cold, cold was your glance And careless your scorn; But deep in your eyes, In a violet … [Read more...] about When Love Awakes [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Guests [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Guests Life, life, life everywhere: so much appals — The spawning sod, the fecund ocean slime, The monster, and the atom, the sublime And dreadful children … [Read more...] about The Guests [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Re-Incarnated [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Re-Incarnated Along the west horizon to and fro I lie and watch him from the far hill-top, Turn Autumn furrow for the Summer crop; His stout team pulls along the … [Read more...] about Re-Incarnated [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Sense [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Sense Sense walked amid his broad inheritance: “Now am I filled,” he cried, “the man complete” “Life overbrims and to the core, is sweet With Taste, and Touch, … [Read more...] about Sense [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Shadow [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Shadow Death is not death while yet the Body lies In sight; what though the flesh be cold as snow Laid on an Arctic peak where only go The wings whose eyrie … [Read more...] about The Shadow [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]