[Editor: This book by C. J. Dennis was published in 1921. Most of the book consists of poetry for children; however, it also includes two stories for children as well. There are four poems entitled “Bird Song” in the book; these are distinguished from each other in the list below by the inclusion of their respective page numbers in square brackets. The first, second and fourth poems entitled “Bird Song” (printed on pages 48, 63, and 114) did not appear in the book’s contents list; nor did the “Dedication” poem and the two untitled poems (printed inside the front and back covers; given here as “A Very Charming Gentleman” and “This Very Charming Gentleman”); however, these poems have been included in the list below, marked with an asterisk*.]
A Book for Kids
By C. J. Dennis
The Baker
The Dawn Dance
The Swagman
The Ant Explorer
Riding Song
The Funny Hatter
The Postman
The Traveller
Our Street
The Little Red House
* Bird Song [page 48]
The Pieman
The Triantiwontigongolope
The Circus
You and I
Going to School
* Bird Song [page 63]
The Music of Your Voice
The Boy who Rode into the Sunset
The Tram-man
The Axe-man
The Drovers
The Long Road Home
The Band
Bessie and the Bunyip
Good Enough
The Porter
Growing Up
The Unsociable Wallaby
The Song of the Sulky Stockman
Our Cow
The Teacher
The Spotted Heifers
Tea Talk
The Looking Glass
The Barber
Farmer Jack
Old Black Jacko
Bird Song [page 108]
The Sailor
The Famine
The Feast
Upon the Road to Rockabout
A Change of Air
Polly Dibbs
* Bird Song [page 114]
The Publisher
Good Night
* [This Very Charming Gentleman]
Angus & Robertson, Ltd.
89 Castlereagh Street
Obtainable in Great Britain from The British Australasian Book-store, 51 High Holborn, London, W.C. 1, and from all other Booksellers; and (wholesale only) from The Australian Book Company, 16 Farrington Avenue, London, E.C 4.
Printed by
W. C. Penfold & Co., Ltd., 88 Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia
C. J. Dennis. A Book for Kids, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, [1921]
I am now 61 and my beloved copy of A Book For Kids has literally been read to bits. As a child it was gifted to me and I read every page numerous times. As a parent the drawings were enlarged and framed and adorned the walls of my children’s bedrooms and reading the stories and poetry contained in this beautiful book was a regular occurrence. My children have grown up and left home, my original, battered and worn tucked away with my most precious items and I am on the hunt for three copies in good condition, one for me and two to be gifted to my now adult children. Can you assist in any way to locate?
Thank you for sharing your memories.
“A Book For Kids” is available at Angus & Robertson, as well as Collins Bookstores.
Currently it is selling at both for $25
Hope your adult children enjoy the book even more when they read it once again.
No….. I am looking for the real thing, the original publication from 1921
If you are seeking an original 1921 edition of the book, then it could be an expensive purchase.
AbeBooks.com is worth having a look at, as it lists books for sale from book shops all over the world. However, the only 1921 original listed there is currently selling for US$3,455.93. Cheaper copies are available from the 1950s onwards.
If you have an original 1921 edition, battered and worn though it may be, you are in possession of a little piece of treasure, in more ways than one.
Just a fabulous book. My 1976 Edition has been read and reread. Now reading to my grandchildren. Lucky enough to have all the other CJ Dennis books (first editions).
A wonderful Australian author.
Hi Colin
I have one copy for sale if you’re interested. It’s a bit battered I’m afraid, but it’s the genuine article.
$1,000 – sorry it’s so dear but it’s a very rare book indeed.
The C.J. Dennis Society may be interested in this, Colin.
Could you send me a little more information?
Best wishes,
Stephen Whiteside
The C.J. Dennis Society
Hi, I have 3 of these in my collection, one in very good condition and the other two fair.
I have an extensive collection of CJ Dennis including 10 pages of hand written manuscript and the letter that accompanied it when it was sent to Rev Irving Benson by C.J. Dennis. I am considering selling my collection and would like any advice on the best way to go about it.
I am trying to find a kid’s book by CJ Dennis that has the poem K’Shoo in it, and am having a very hard time! I know it exists – I used to get it out of the library all of the time! At first I thought it had a red cover, but looking at this book, it feels familiar, but the poem isn’t in it? I’m at a loss… I only borrowed the one book by him, I know that, and it was for kids… it had Hist! and thr Triantiwontigongalope in it, too… and I could’ve sworn it had something about the Glugs of Gosh in it as I remember them… if anyone could please help me? If be forever grateful!
I want to buy a copy for my best friend’s first baby that is currently on the way!
Thank you,
Hi Sarah,
The poem “K’shoo” was published in Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (1918), and can be see here:
The Dymocks site has several reprints listed, although (strangely) the Angus & Robertson site doesn’t have any.
There are some cheaper (and better-looking) copies of the book available on Ebay Australia at the moment. I would assume that they are the same as the original, but you could message the seller first to confirm that their printing of the book contains the poem.
Good luck with your purchase!