[Editor: This song by Mary Gilmore was published in the “For Worker Women” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Australian Worker (Sydney, NSW), 8 April 1920.] Song of the Anti-White. (With special reference to the “Sydney Morning Herald” and other papers with a … [Read more...] about Song of the Anti-White [song by Mary Gilmore, 8 April 1920]
racial poetry
When the Nigger Saw the Train [poem, 28 April 1894]
[Editor: This poem was published in The Bird O' Freedom (Sydney, NSW), 28 April 1894. Designed to be read as a humorous poem, the poem is about an Aboriginal man’s first contact with a train.] When the Nigger Saw the Train. In the guileless, simple savage there was … [Read more...] about When the Nigger Saw the Train [poem, 28 April 1894]
Australia’s song: Keep Australia White! [song by P. F. Collins, circa 1910]
[Editor: A song by Patrick Francis Collins. Published as a single-sided song sheet, circa 1910.] Australia’s song Keep Australia White! You sons of young Australia, Come listen to my song, I’ll tell you a little story That won’t detain you long: We’ve had good … [Read more...] about Australia’s song: Keep Australia White! [song by P. F. Collins, circa 1910]
Give Our Own a Show! [poem, 2 February 1906]
[Editor: A poem published in Peak Hill Express, 2 February 1906.] Give Our Own a Show! Dedicated to All Anti-White Australians. Why waste your time in howling For the yellow man or black, Just pull yourself together and Look straight along the track And ask … [Read more...] about Give Our Own a Show! [poem, 2 February 1906]
What “Dryblower” said: The Aliens [poem by “Dryblower” Murphy, 17 November 1935]
[Editor: A poem by “Dryblower” Murphy, published in the “Verse and Worse” column in The Sunday Times, 17 November 1935.] What “Dryblower” said. The following poem, written by “Dryblower” a long way over 30 years ago, is as true to-day as then. The slow, insidious creep-in … [Read more...] about What “Dryblower” said: The Aliens [poem by “Dryblower” Murphy, 17 November 1935]
The Aliens [poem by “Dryblower” Murphy, 8 May 1904]
[Editor: A poem by “Dryblower” Murphy, published in the “Verse and Worse” column in The Sunday Times, 8 May 1904.] The Aliens. By Dryblower. They come not as an open foe To loot the land with steel and fire, No barricades to dust they blow, Or make each home a lurid … [Read more...] about The Aliens [poem by “Dryblower” Murphy, 8 May 1904]
Special Report from Cape River Gold-Fields [poem, 7 November 1868]
[Editor: A poem published in The Queenslander, 7 November 1868.] Special Report from Cape River Gold-Fields. Dear Sir: You say you’d like to know How things go on up here, And if a chap would “stand a show,” If this way he should steer. Well, as I have nothing else to … [Read more...] about Special Report from Cape River Gold-Fields [poem, 7 November 1868]
Brothers [poem by C.J. Dennis, 22 August 1929]
[Editor: This poem, attributed to C.J. Dennis, satirically attacks a Russian communist newspaper’s criticism of Australian workers supporting a White Australia. Published in The Register (Adelaide, SA), 22 August 1929.] Brothers (By Den) Pravda, Russia’s Soviet … [Read more...] about Brothers [poem by C.J. Dennis, 22 August 1929]
White Australia [poem, 12 August 1914]
White Australia. The shocking revelations made in the Perth Police Court the other day don’t say much for the vaunted policy of a “White Australia,” while it provides a good argument against the maunderings of the “let-’em-all-come brigade.” We’ve fashioned ourselves a … [Read more...] about White Australia [poem, 12 August 1914]
When the Niggers Own the Land [poem, 16 June 1931]
[Editor: This poem, which is critical of what the author views as the overly-soft treatment of Aborigines in the Northern Territory, was published in The Northern Standard (Darwin, NT), 16 June 1931.] When the Niggers Own the Land Rejoice, rejoice, my coloured brothers … [Read more...] about When the Niggers Own the Land [poem, 16 June 1931]
The Australian Nation — When? [poem, 13 October 1894]
[Editor: A poem from the Boomerang, reprinted in The Worker, 1894.] The Australian Nation — When? When the Govnah’s hauty aides, Who go chasing married ladies, And the Colonel who gives ordahs to fire low upon the crowd Have surrendered to the sabre In the horny fists … [Read more...] about The Australian Nation — When? [poem, 13 October 1894]
Vote for Labour [poem, 30 March 1901]
[Editor: This poem is from the “Editorial Mill” column, published in The Worker, 30 March 1901.] Vote for Labour. Come forth from the Valley, come forth from Spring Hill, Come forth from the factory, the shop, and the mill, From pleasure or slumber, from study or … [Read more...] about Vote for Labour [poem, 30 March 1901]
A Last Word [poem, 30 March 1901]
[Editor: This poem is from the “Editorial Mill” column, published in The Worker (Brisbane, Qld.), 30 March 1901. The poem was a call to vote for the Labor Party and a White Australia in the first federal election in Australia (held on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 March … [Read more...] about A Last Word [poem, 30 March 1901]
Australia for the Australians [poem, 9 May 1888]
[Editor: This poem was published in The Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA), 9 May 1888.] Australia for the Australians. Shall the yellow man pick From our Eden the fruit? Must we yield our fair fields Like a dumb driven brute? Shall our children learn trades And be … [Read more...] about Australia for the Australians [poem, 9 May 1888]
The Italian Farmer [poem, 3 September 1932]
The Italian Farmer Specially dedicated by us to the gentlemen of the B. P. L. (British Preference League) Now, here am I in this lovely land, And what do I ask of you? Only the grip of a friendly hand And a job of work to do. Only that freedom and happiness Which is … [Read more...] about The Italian Farmer [poem, 3 September 1932]