[Editor: This article, a tribute written by Mary Gilmore regarding Hector Lamond (1865-1947), was published in The Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW), 23 May 1947.] The late Hector Lamond The following tribute to our late Editor is from the pen of Dame Mary Gilmore, … [Read more...] about The late Hector Lamond [by Mary Gilmore, 23 May 1947]
Mary Gilmore (1865-1962) (author)
One Said, a Rose [handwritten poem by Mary Gilmore, 11 March 1956]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Gilmore was handwritten inside of the front cover of a copy of Fourteen Men (1954); the poem was dated 11 March 1956.] [One Said, a Rose] One said, A Rose And one, A Child But which was which Was left unstyled. And then there … [Read more...] about One Said, a Rose [handwritten poem by Mary Gilmore, 11 March 1956]
Bondi [poem by Mary Gilmore, 1 June 1914]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Gilmore was published in The Lone Hand (Sydney, NSW), 1 June 1914.] Bondi By Mary Gilmore EVENING. Ben Buckler sharp against the sky, Gulls wheeling seaward, scarcely heard their cry; The clangor of the City dying down To muted murmurs … [Read more...] about Bondi [poem by Mary Gilmore, 1 June 1914]
A world’s union [by Mary Gilmore, 1 June 1914]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in The Lone Hand (Sydney, NSW), 1 June 1914.] A world’s union By Mary Gilmore Sir Rider Haggard recently said that what was much needed by those directing affairs was “imagination.” Apparently, he was speaking for … [Read more...] about A world’s union [by Mary Gilmore, 1 June 1914]
Mary Gilmore’s letter [by Mary Gilmore, 7 March 1932]
[Editor: This letter from Mary Gilmore was published in The Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW), 7 March 1932.] Mary Gilmore’s letter From Mary Gilmore:— There may be some residents who remember my writings in the “Silver Age,” which at the time I write of was published … [Read more...] about Mary Gilmore’s letter [by Mary Gilmore, 7 March 1932]
The white man’s flag [by Mary Gilmore, 22 April 1920]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in the “For Worker Women” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Australian Worker (Sydney, NSW), 22 April 1920.] The white man’s flag. An issue or two ago I used strong images and direct language in some verse … [Read more...] about The white man’s flag [by Mary Gilmore, 22 April 1920]
Song of the Anti-White [song by Mary Gilmore, 8 April 1920]
[Editor: This song by Mary Gilmore was published in the “For Worker Women” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Australian Worker (Sydney, NSW), 8 April 1920.] Song of the Anti-White. (With special reference to the “Sydney Morning Herald” and other papers with a … [Read more...] about Song of the Anti-White [song by Mary Gilmore, 8 April 1920]
How will this affect us? [by Mary Gilmore, 6 May 1909]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in the “Our Women’s Page” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 6 May 1909.] How will this affect us? “The Times” (London) of March 5 has the following item: “INDIAN EMIGRATION TO … [Read more...] about How will this affect us? [by Mary Gilmore, 6 May 1909]
The race and the alien [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1908]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in “A Woman’s Column” (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Sydney, NSW), 16 April 1908.] The race and the alien. Last week I sent in a quoted article from the “Australasian” on this subject. I made no … [Read more...] about The race and the alien [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1908]
The revenges of time and a question of color [by Mary Gilmore, 9 April 1908]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in “A Woman’s Column” (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Sydney, NSW), 9 April 1908.] The revenges of time and a question of color. The revenges of time and the justification of the maligned, indeed! When one … [Read more...] about The revenges of time and a question of color [by Mary Gilmore, 9 April 1908]
A foreword [by Mary Gilmore, 2 January 1908]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in “A Women’s Column” (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 2 January 1908.] A foreword. There is an idea with some (men and women alike) that The Worker is peculiarly a man’s paper, and that … [Read more...] about A foreword [by Mary Gilmore, 2 January 1908]
Christian Russ and pagan Jap. [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1904]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in The Clipper (Hobart, Tas.), 16 April 1904.] Christian Russ and pagan Jap. As mentioned in your Free Speech column last week one of the most singular things in connection with this war is the attitude of Christian to … [Read more...] about Christian Russ and pagan Jap. [by Mary Gilmore, 16 April 1904]
One Australian Girl [The Bulletin, 1 October 1903, about Mary Gilmore]
[Editor: This article about Mary Gilmore was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 1 October 1903. The first part is a review of Mary Gilmore’s poetry; the second part is about her life, written by Mary Gilmore (aside from the introductory paragraph), especially concentrating … [Read more...] about One Australian Girl [The Bulletin, 1 October 1903, about Mary Gilmore]
Yesterday, the barrier; to-morrow — what? [13 February 1913]
[Editor: This article by Mary Gilmore was published in the “Our Women’s Page” column (“Conducted by Mary Gilmore”), in The Worker (Wagga Wagga, NSW), 13 February 1913.] Yesterday, the barrier; to-morrow — what? I. Sitting in the Kiosk in Hyde Park the other day and … [Read more...] about Yesterday, the barrier; to-morrow — what? [13 February 1913]
No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Gilmore was published in The Australian Women’s Weekly, 29 June 1940, during the Second World War (1939-1945).] No foe shall gather our harvest Sons of the mountains of Scotland, Clansmen from correi and kyle, Bred of the moors of … [Read more...] about No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940]
Nationality [poem by Mary Gilmore, 12 May 1942]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Gilmore was published in Australian Poetry 1942 (1942), during the Second World War (1939-1945).] Nationality I have grown past hate and bitterness, I see the world as one; Yet, though I can no longer hate, My son is still my … [Read more...] about Nationality [poem by Mary Gilmore, 12 May 1942]