[Editor: This postcard, which incorporates a photograph of a blacksmith’s premises in the bush, is postmarked 1904.] [Front of postcard] Bush Blacksmith, Gippsland [Handwritten text, in italics] Ebaenzis The Avenue Windsor Is our new address should … [Read more...] about Bush Blacksmith, Gippsland [postcard, 1904]
In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Australian naval expedition to China), The Age, 22 October 1904]
[Editor: An extract from the “In Memoriam” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 22 October 1904.] In Memoriam. GIBBS. — In loving remembrance of Albert Arthur Gibbs (Arthur) who died of enteric fever at Wei-hai-wei, … [Read more...] about In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Australian naval expedition to China), The Age, 22 October 1904]
Girls’ Grammar School: Memorial to Miss Mackinlay: Unveiled by the Lieutenant-Governor [10 December 1904]
[Editor: This article, about the unveiling of a memorial to an early educator, was published in The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld.), 10 December 1904.] Girls’ Grammar School. Memorial to Miss Mackinlay. Unveiled by the Lieutenant-Governor. The ceremony of the unveiling … [Read more...] about Girls’ Grammar School: Memorial to Miss Mackinlay: Unveiled by the Lieutenant-Governor [10 December 1904]
Picture post cards: Convenience for public [10 December 1904]
[Editor: This article, regarding the 1905 postal regulations for postcards, was published in The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld.), 10 December 1904.] Picture Post Cards. Convenience for Public. The Deputy Postmaster-General advises that in anticipation of the promulgation of … [Read more...] about Picture post cards: Convenience for public [10 December 1904]
Pictorial post cards: New series of local views: The cost of postage [10 December 1904]
[Editor: This article, the last part of which refers to the 1905 postal regulations for postcards, was published in the Brighton Southern Cross (Brighton, Vic.), 10 December 1904.] Pictorial post cards. New series of local views. The cost of postage. The new series … [Read more...] about Pictorial post cards: New series of local views: The cost of postage [10 December 1904]
Recent publications [13 August 1904]
[Editor: This review of The Coloured Conquest (1904) is an extract from the “Recent publications” section published in the Evening News (Sydney, NSW), 13 August 1904.] Recent publications. We may differ in opinion from others as to the consequences of Japanese victory … [Read more...] about Recent publications [13 August 1904]
“The Coloured Conquest” [review, 9 August 1904]
[Editor: This review of The Coloured Conquest (1904) was published in The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW), 9 August 1904.] “The Coloured Conquest.” The author of a little book, which has been inspired by the Russo-Japanese war, and which bears the title quoted above, has … [Read more...] about “The Coloured Conquest” [review, 9 August 1904]
‘The Coloured Conquest’ [advertisement for a serial story, 26 July 1904]
[Editor: This advertisement for the serial story of The Coloured Conquest (1904) was published in the Clarence & Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW), 26 July 1904. The advertisement includes an outline of the story.] ‘The Coloured Conquest.’ A Story of TO-DAY AND … [Read more...] about ‘The Coloured Conquest’ [advertisement for a serial story, 26 July 1904]
Chapter 15 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter XV. I tour the word, and survey the results of the Coloured Conquest. — My last view of Mabel. I left Sydney soon after being made acquainted with the … [Read more...] about Chapter 15 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 14 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter XIV. The fair lily colonies. — The blow that crushed me. Yoko’s vengeance! He was unable to save me from that entirely. Mabel is lost to … [Read more...] about Chapter 14 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 13 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter XIII. The Japanese land in Sydney. — Treatment of the citizens. There would be nothing gained by dwelling on the details of what followed. Several … [Read more...] about Chapter 13 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 12 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter XII. Bennett Burleigh’s story. — Sydney burned and pillaged by its own people. Sydney was in a ferment. The excitement was added to by the arrival of … [Read more...] about Chapter 12 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 11 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter XI. Excited meetings in Sydney, and a run on the banks. Before the deputation had left the Premier’s room Sydney was ablaze with the news that the … [Read more...] about Chapter 11 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 10 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter X. The blow falls. — Australia hopelessly awaits the coming of the Japanese. — And Mabel and I think of Matte Yoko. “Gentlemen,” said the Premier after … [Read more...] about Chapter 10 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 9 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter IX. The people of Sydney become alarmed. — Approach of the Japanese announced. — The cables held. “(By Cable) — London, July 8. “The Daily Telegraph … [Read more...] about Chapter 9 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 8 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter VIII. How the Japanese and Chinese played a game, and arranged for naval demonstrations before the deluded peoples of the Continental … [Read more...] about Chapter 8 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 7 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter VII. Australia and Japan. — Some talk of “a yellow whirlwind.” — Disquieting news. By Cable. — London, April 19. “The exodus of Japanese from … [Read more...] about Chapter 7 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 6 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter VI. I endeavour to warn the people of Australia but fail. — Mabel Graham tells me something. I returned to Australia in due course. The day after I … [Read more...] about Chapter 6 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 5 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter V. I learn of Major Matte Yoko’s threatening and brutal letter to Mabel. — “I will come for you in 1908.” “You must understand,” said Captain Sunotoko, … [Read more...] about Chapter 5 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 4 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter IV. My strange meeting with Sunotoko. As I strolled to my hotel after my chat with the educated Kaffir, Johnson, I mused over what he had told me. I … [Read more...] about Chapter 4 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 3 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter III. What was learned on a visit to South Africa. — “The Coloured people shall rule.” — The Kaffir and the Japanese agent. “Africa shall yet be … [Read more...] about Chapter 3 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 2 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] Chapter II. Mabel Graham’s gift of a bunch of red rambler roses to a Japanese officer causes a fracas in the Hotel Australia. Major Matte Yoko’s threat. Even … [Read more...] about Chapter 2 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
Chapter 1 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] The Coloured Conquest. By “Rata.” Chapter I. Deals with the affairs of Mabel Graham and myself. A forecast of danger that was ridiculed. Mabel Graham and … [Read more...] about Chapter 1 [The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
June, 1913 [preface, The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This is the preface for the novel The Coloured Conquest (1904) by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse).] June, 1913. “You are the last Britisher, practically” (a prolonged puff at the cigarette), “and you cannot expect to live for ever” (another big puff). “Why not … [Read more...] about June, 1913 [preface, The Coloured Conquest, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
The Coloured Conquest [novel by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]
[Editor: This novel, by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), was published in 1904.] The Coloured Conquest By “Rata.” Contents. June, 1913. [preface] I. Deals with the affairs of Mabel Graham and myself II. Mabel Graham’s gift of a bunch of red rambler … [Read more...] about The Coloured Conquest [novel by “Rata” (Thomas Richard Roydhouse), 1904]