[Editor: This poem by John O’Brien was published in The Parish of St Mel’s and Other Verses, 1954.] My Curate’s Motor-Bike Before the lad invested we had comfort here indeed; Our lives were as an open book, and he who ran might read; But now we live in other worlds, for … [Read more...] about My Curate’s Motor-Bike [poem by John O’Brien, 1954]
Editor’s notes
The Road to Danahey’s [poem by John O’Brien, 1954]
[Editor: This poem by John O’Brien was published in The Parish of St Mel’s and Other Verses, 1954.] The Road to Danahey’s The rambling road to Danahey’s it goes by hill and plain, It wanders in among the trees and wanders out again. It does a lap around the map just as … [Read more...] about The Road to Danahey’s [poem by John O’Brien, 1954]
The Meeting [poem by John O’Brien, 1954]
[Editor: This poem by John O’Brien was published in The Parish of St Mel’s and Other Verses, 1954.] The Meeting They hadn’t met for fifty years, or was it fifty-one? They’d parted when their ship arrived their separate ways to run. The old Baptismal Register back home … [Read more...] about The Meeting [poem by John O’Brien, 1954]
Where the Pelican Builds [poem by Mary Hannay Foott, 26 March 1881]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Hannay Foott was published in The Australasian Sketcher (Melbourne, Vic.), 26 March 1881.] Where the Pelican Builds By M. H. F. [The unexplored parts of Australia are sometimes spoken of by the bushmen of Western Queensland as the home of the … [Read more...] about Where the Pelican Builds [poem by Mary Hannay Foott, 26 March 1881]
Wentworth [poem by Mary Hannay Foott, 10 May 1873]
[Editor: A poem by Mary Hannay Black (who later became Mary Hannay Foott). Published in The Australian Town and Country Journal 10 May 1873.] Wentworth ’Tis a new thing for Australia, that the waters to her bear One who seeks not of her riches, or the balm of healing … [Read more...] about Wentworth [poem by Mary Hannay Foott, 10 May 1873]
Part III Chapter X [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter X Black Christmas — Peace on Earth, but no great joy for Australia In the afternoon of December 16, London time — two days after the massacre of the Federal garrison therefore — … [Read more...] about Part III Chapter X [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part III Chapter IX [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter IX Massacre Under the circumstances, Colonel Ireton did not accomplish much in Port Darwin. Apart from a more satisfactory arrangement of local services in connexion with his … [Read more...] about Part III Chapter IX [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part III Chapter IV [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter IV Civil war in Australia and its inevitable result The Federal Parliament assembled on August 28, 1912. The first weeks of the session were given over largely to the evolution of … [Read more...] about Part III Chapter IV [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part II Chapter V [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter V The second campaign Of the second campaign, no well-ordered written record of an eye-witness exists, nothing indeed, at all comparable to Thomas Burt’s diary. That able patriot … [Read more...] about Part II Chapter V [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part II Chapter II [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter II In touch with the enemy The White Guard decided to make the camp in Snowdrop Creek the base of all further operations. Part of the stores and ammunition were hidden away … [Read more...] about Part II Chapter II [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter XI [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter XI Furor Australiensis So Australia, at last, was made to wake up — under sledge-hammer blows: Imperial attempt of legislative interference, annihilation of naval screen, … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter XI [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter X [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter X Pax Britannica The events under review being of contemporary occurrence it is naturally impossible to lay bare the hidden springs which actuated international politics and the … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter X [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter IX [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter IX Parliament Australia was feverish. But its symptoms were quite different from those manifested in the sister dominions, where the colder climate makes people heavy and … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter IX [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter VIII [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter VIII Colonial fancies The arrival at Port Darwin of the Japanese deputation, and the public professions of loyalty to the British flag by its members, induced the Imperial … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter VIII [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter V [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter V Australia’s reply The flutter of excitement into which the Commonwealth had been thrown by the cablegrams from Thursday Island relating to the Changsha discovery, died quickly … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter V [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter II [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Chapter II An unadvertised immigration policy For several years preceding 1912 constant reports of famine in Japan had reached Europe. Travellers had vouchsafed for their accuracy, and … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter II [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Part I Chapter I [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
[Editor: This is a chapter from the novel The Australian Crisis by C.H. Kirmess.] Part I The Feet of Clay Chapter I Ships that pass in the night In the evening of April 1, 1912, two white men were camping upon a sandy rise overlooking Junction Bay, Northern … [Read more...] about Part I Chapter I [The Australian Crisis, by C.H. Kirmess, 1909]
Stray thoughts on regulars and volunteers [29 September 1860]
[Editor: An opinion on regular army soldiers and volunteer militia soldiers. Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 September 1860.] Stray thoughts on regulars and volunteers. “The summer air is one perpetual strife.” Have you ever watched the conflict of a couple of … [Read more...] about Stray thoughts on regulars and volunteers [29 September 1860]
Eland’s River [poem by George Essex Evans, 3 August 1901]
[Editor: A poem by George Essex Evans about the Battle of Eland’s River (South Africa) in August 1900. Published in The Argus, 3 August 1901.] Eland’s River. 4th to 16th August, 1900. This engagement has been described by English officers as the most gallant fight of … [Read more...] about Eland’s River [poem by George Essex Evans, 3 August 1901]
The Glossary [for The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke, by C.J. Dennis]
[Editor: This glossary of words and phrases by C.J. Dennis was published in The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.] The Glossary GLOSSARY For use with “The Sentimental Bloke” and “Ginger Mick.” A.I.F. — Australian Imperial Force. Alley, to toss in the. — To give up … [Read more...] about The Glossary [for The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke, by C.J. Dennis]
The Intro [poem by C.J. Dennis]
[Editor: This poem by C.J. Dennis was published in The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke. Most of the poetry of C.J. Dennis is written in the style of the Australian vernacular. See the glossary for explanations of words and phrases.] II. THE INTRO The Intro ’Er name’s … [Read more...] about The Intro [poem by C.J. Dennis]
Young Henry the Poacher [song, 1800s]
[Editor: A song, “Young Henry the Poacher”, also known as “Henry’s Downfall”, which was originally printed as a broadside ballad.] Young Henry the Poacher Come all you wild and wicked youths wherever you may be, I pray you give attention and listen unto me, The fate of … [Read more...] about Young Henry the Poacher [song, 1800s]
Hints to Candidates [song by Charles Thatcher, 1857]
[Editor: This song by Charles Thatcher was published in Thatcher’s Colonial Songster, 1857.] Hints To Candidates. Thatcher’s celebrated Election Song, as sung by him at the “Shamrock.” Tune — “Bob and Joan.” Candidates draw near, We often have elections; Listen, and … [Read more...] about Hints to Candidates [song by Charles Thatcher, 1857]
Colonial Education [song by Charles Thatcher, 1857]
[Editor: This song by Charles Thatcher was published in Thatcher’s Colonial Songster, 1857.] Colonial Education. New Original Song, written and sung by Thatcher. Tune — “Drops of Brandy.” Oh, what a discussion there’s been, On the subject of State Education; Some … [Read more...] about Colonial Education [song by Charles Thatcher, 1857]
Life of a Colonial Quack Doctor [song by Charles Thatcher, 1857]
[Editor: This song by Charles Thatcher was published in Thatcher’s Colonial Songster, 1857.] Life of a Colonial Quack Doctor. New Original Song by Thatcher. Air — “Tatur Can.” I’ll give you my whole history now, Pay attention everyone, And I’ll quickly tell you … [Read more...] about Life of a Colonial Quack Doctor [song by Charles Thatcher, 1857]