[Editor: This article, regarding Foundation Day (Australia Day), was published in The Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.), 14 February 1911. The Advance Australia was a publication of the Australian Natives’ Association.] Foundation Day. The Maryborough branch promoted a … [Read more...] about Foundation Day [14 February 1911]
January 26 or August 22? [re Australia Day, 27 January 1910]
[Editor: This article, regarding Foundation Day (Australia Day), was published in The Register (Adelaide, SA), 27 January 1910.] January 26 or August 22? Which date is correct as that of the foundation of Australia? Sr. Sir Josiah Symon raised the point at the A.N.A. … [Read more...] about January 26 or August 22? [re Australia Day, 27 January 1910]
Foundation Day [27 January 1910]
[Editor: This article, regarding Foundation Day (Australia Day), was published in The Register (Adelaide, SA), 27 January 1910.] Foundation Day. The A.N.A. celebrated Foundation Day at its annual demonstration at the Jubilee Exhibition Building on Wednesday evening. The … [Read more...] about Foundation Day [27 January 1910]
Patriotism and pioneering [26 January 1910]
[Editor: This article, regarding Australian patriotism, was published in The Register (Adelaide, SA), 26 January 1910 (i.e. this patriotic article was published on Australia Day).] Patriotism and pioneering. It is doubtful if anything in Australia is more urgent than a … [Read more...] about Patriotism and pioneering [26 January 1910]
Foundation Day [26 January 1910]
[Editor: This article, regarding Foundation Day (Australia Day), was published in The Register (Adelaide, SA), 26 January 1910.] Foundation Day. Although Capt. Cook, in the Endeavour, anchored in Botany Bay on April 28, 1770, and later on formally claimed possession in … [Read more...] about Foundation Day [26 January 1910]
Proposed federation of the A.N.A.: West Australian General President’s view [by Mr. A. H. O’Connor, 15 March 1909]
[Editor: This article, by Mr. A. H. O’Connor, regarding the proposed federation of the state branches of the Australian Natives’ Association, was published in The Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.), 15 March 1909.] Proposed federation of the A.N.A. West Australian … [Read more...] about Proposed federation of the A.N.A.: West Australian General President’s view [by Mr. A. H. O’Connor, 15 March 1909]
Federal board [by Mr. J. M. Chanter, re the ANA, 15 March 1909]
[Editor: This article, by Mr. J. M. Chanter, regarding the proposed federation of the state branches of the Australian Natives’ Association, was published in The Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.), 15 March 1909.] Federal board. By Mr. J. M. Chanter, M.H.R., ex-Chief … [Read more...] about Federal board [by Mr. J. M. Chanter, re the ANA, 15 March 1909]
Labour-in-Politics Convention: Third day: Wednesday, July 3 [6 July 1901]
[Editor: This article, regarding the proceedings of the third day (3 July 1901) of the Queensland Labor Party’s 1901 Convention, was published in The Worker (Brisbane, Qld.), 6 July 1901. It includes a section regarding the refusal of the royal assent to the Sugar Works Guarantee … [Read more...] about Labour-in-Politics Convention: Third day: Wednesday, July 3 [6 July 1901]
Sugar Works Guarantee Act: Royal Assent withheld: Labour difficulties the reason [28 May 1901]
[Editor: This article, regarding the Sugar Works Guarantee Act Amendment Bill 1901 (Qld.), was published in The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld.), 28 May 1901.] Sugar Works Guarantee Act. Royal Assent withheld. Labour difficulties the reason. The Government has received … [Read more...] about Sugar Works Guarantee Act: Royal Assent withheld: Labour difficulties the reason [28 May 1901]
Undesirable immigrants: West Australian Restriction Act [9 March 1898]
[Editor: This article, regarding the Immigration Restriction Act 1897 (Western Australia), was published in The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW), 9 March 1898. In this article the newspaper capitalized some selected phrases and utilized them as sub-headings.] Undesirable … [Read more...] about Undesirable immigrants: West Australian Restriction Act [9 March 1898]
Undesirable immigrants: The Natal Restriction Bill: Approved of by Mr. Chamberlain [23 September 1897]
[Editor: This article, regarding the Natal Immigration Restriction Bill, was published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 23 September 1897. The Natal Immigration Restriction Act was subsequently used as the basis of the Australian Commonwealth’s Immigration Restriction Act, … [Read more...] about Undesirable immigrants: The Natal Restriction Bill: Approved of by Mr. Chamberlain [23 September 1897]
Chinese Competition [2 October 1886]
[Editor: This article, regarding a proposed ban on Chinese-made products, was published in The Week (Brisbane, Qld.), 2 October 1886.] Chinese Competition. When discussing the above question it will be necessary to notice that aspect of it to which one of our … [Read more...] about Chinese Competition [2 October 1886]
Rev. F. A. Darling: Death announced [obituary, 22 May 1930]
[Editor: This obituary, regarding the Reverend Frederick Augustus Darling (1864-1930), was published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 22 May 1930.] Rev. F. A. Darling. Death announced. The Rev. Frederick Augustus Darling, a prominent member of the … [Read more...] about Rev. F. A. Darling: Death announced [obituary, 22 May 1930]
The New Year [The Shepparton Advertiser, 8 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The Shepparton Advertiser (Shepparton, Vic.), 8 January 1925.] The New Year. The year 1925 has been entered upon. Associated with its birth people in all parts experienced mingled feelings of hope and fear … [Read more...] about The New Year [The Shepparton Advertiser, 8 January 1925]
The New Year [The Bundaberg Mail, 3 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The Bundaberg Mail (Bundaberg, Qld.), 3 January 1925.] The New Year. The New Year — 1925 — has commenced under circumstances that will give gratification to the whole community. The year just gone, with its … [Read more...] about The New Year [The Bundaberg Mail, 3 January 1925]
New Year’s Eve: In the streets [The West Australian, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The West Australian (Perth, WA), 1 January 1925.] New Year’s Eve. In the streets. The old year passed away last night. The year 1924 had behaved generously to Western Australia, bestowing on the State a … [Read more...] about New Year’s Eve: In the streets [The West Australian, 1 January 1925]
New Year [The Northern Star, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The Northern Star and Richmond and Tweed Rivers Advocate (Lismore, NSW), 1 January 1925.] New Year The people of the North Coast have seldom entered upon a new year with a feeling of greater surety for the … [Read more...] about New Year [The Northern Star, 1 January 1925]
Passing of 1924: How Bathurst behaved [The National Advocate, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW), 1 January 1925.] Passing of 1924 How Bathurst behaved. The year 1925 has gone as years have a habit of doing, and Bathurstians stood on the threshold of the new era, … [Read more...] about Passing of 1924: How Bathurst behaved [The National Advocate, 1 January 1925]
A happy New Year! [The National Advocate, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW), 1 January 1925.] A happy New Year! At midnight another year went to its death, and another year was born. Whatever 1924 did for us, or we to 1924, that is all past. It … [Read more...] about A happy New Year! [The National Advocate, 1 January 1925]
New Year’s Eve: Seeing the old year out and ushering in the new [The Daily Telegraph, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas.), 1 January 1925.] New Year’s Eve. Seeing the old year out and ushering in the new. Although the high jinks which in years gone by were regarded as inseparable from … [Read more...] about New Year’s Eve: Seeing the old year out and ushering in the new [The Daily Telegraph, 1 January 1925]
A happy and prosperous new year [The Daily Telegraph, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas.), 1 January 1925.] A happy and prosperous new year Is the sincere wish of “The Daily Telegraph” for all Tasmanians. Ringing out the old and ringing in the new year is … [Read more...] about A happy and prosperous new year [The Daily Telegraph, 1 January 1925]
The New Year [The Daily Mail, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year, was published in The Daily Mail (Brisbane, Qld.), 1 January 1925.] The New Year It is purely an arbitrary arrangement by which the year ends midway between the dusk of December 31 and the dawn of January 1. True, this … [Read more...] about The New Year [The Daily Mail, 1 January 1925]
Welcoming the New Year: Large crowds visit city [The Argus, 1 January 1925]
[Editor: This article, regarding the New Year celebrations in Melbourne (Victoria), was published in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 1 January 1925.] Welcoming the New Year. Large crowds visit city. Although larger crowds visited the city last night “to see the old year … [Read more...] about Welcoming the New Year: Large crowds visit city [The Argus, 1 January 1925]
Another move forward [by Hector Lamond, 28 May 1914]
[Editor: This article, by Hector Lamond, regarding the development of The Worker (also known as The Australian Worker), was published in The Australian Worker (Sydney, NSW), 28 May 1914.] Another move forward. The Worker has again outgrown its home and seeks a new … [Read more...] about Another move forward [by Hector Lamond, 28 May 1914]
Blowing of Mail office safe: Defendant makes statement [court report, 9 August 1940]
[Editor: This article, a court report regarding a robbery, was published in The Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW), 9 August 1940.] Blowing of Mail office safe. Defendant makes statement. At Bowral Police Court on Thursday before Messrs. E. L. Brake and Walter Stokes, J’s.P., … [Read more...] about Blowing of Mail office safe: Defendant makes statement [court report, 9 August 1940]