[Editor: A report on the Eureka Rebellion. Published in The Argus, 15 December 1854.] Ballaarat. On the night of the fatal 3rd December, we had come to the conclusion that there was every prospect of sad doings at Ballaarat; and we therefore requested one of the ablest … [Read more...] about Ballaarat [Eureka Rebellion, 15 December 1854]
Ballaarat [Eureka Rebellion trials, 14 December 1854]
[Editor: A report on the committal proceedings of the Eureka Rebellion prisoners. Published in the Colonial Times, 14 December 1854.] Ballaarat. The trials of state prisoners commenced on the 6th. Mr. Sturt presided, and Mr. Webster, and Mr. Smith sat with him. Mr. … [Read more...] about Ballaarat [Eureka Rebellion trials, 14 December 1854]
Further particulars of the Ballaarat affray [Eureka Rebellion, 5 December 1854]
[Editor: A report on the Eureka Rebellion. Published in The Argus, 5 December 1854.] Further particulars of the Ballaarat affray. The facts of the unfortunate encounter at Ballaarat, as we have been enabled to gather them, in addition to the hurried statement received at … [Read more...] about Further particulars of the Ballaarat affray [Eureka Rebellion, 5 December 1854]
Fatal collision at Ballaarat [Eureka Rebellion, 4 December 1854]
[Editor: A report on the Eureka Rebellion. Published in The Argus, 4 December 1854.] By express. Fatal collision at Ballaarat. Monday, 3 a.m. At the above hour a gentleman arrived at this office who had ridden through express, leaving Ballaarat at half-past one … [Read more...] about Fatal collision at Ballaarat [Eureka Rebellion, 4 December 1854]
Scraps from the Victoria mines [12 December 1853]
[Editor: An extract from the article “Scraps from the Victoria mines”, regarding a protest meeting in Bendigo over the miner’s licence in Victoria, 1853. Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 December 1853.] Scraps from the Victoria mines. (From our own … [Read more...] about Scraps from the Victoria mines [12 December 1853]
Worse than infantry [15 November 1945]
[Editor: A medical orderly tells of his experiences in New Guinea during World War Two. Published in The Western Mail, 15 November 1945.] You can always find some blighter worse off than yourself Worse than infantry by A.M. Beck You hear that you’re to “go in” again … [Read more...] about Worse than infantry [15 November 1945]
[News items] [28 January 1836]
[Editor: Extracts from the news section of the The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser of 28 January 1836, including news on the limited commemorations for the founding of the colony, the state of the public footpaths, and an unusual bushranging incident.] [News … [Read more...] about [News items] [28 January 1836]
Rev. T. H. Taylor, playwright [22 February 1913]
[Editor: An article about the Rev. T. Hilhouse Taylor, who wrote the patriotic song “Australia, or Heart to Heart and Hand to Hand”. Published in the Windsor and Richmond Gazette, 22 February 1913.] Rev. T. H. Taylor, playwright. A national drama. A national drama … [Read more...] about Rev. T. H. Taylor, playwright [22 February 1913]
The Australian artist [13 November 1943]
[Editor: An extract from the column “Stories from Here and There: From a Reporter’s Note Book”, published in The Examiner, 13 November 1943.] The Australian artist There are indications which incline one to the hope that at last the Australian artist is coming into his … [Read more...] about The Australian artist [13 November 1943]
War in Broken Hill [the Battle of Broken Hill, 1 January 1915]
[Editor: A report on an incident known as the Battle of Broken Hill. Two Muslims, flying the Turkish flag on a cart, attacked a party of Australian picnickers outside of Broken Hill, on New Year’s Day 1915. This article was published on the same day in The Barrier Miner. The … [Read more...] about War in Broken Hill [the Battle of Broken Hill, 1 January 1915]
[An amusing incident] [26 April 1887]
[Editor: An extract from the news section of The Age, 26 April 1887.] [An amusing incident] An amusing incident which happened at the King-street police station last week is the subject of conversation amongst the city force, and is to be enquired into at … [Read more...] about [An amusing incident] [26 April 1887]
Hobart Town [news extract, 28 May 1853]
[Editor: An extract from the “Hobart Town” section of the news reports published in the Launceston Examiner, 28 May 1853. The Hobart correspondent says that the Anti-Transportation League should not be disbanded until the federation of the Australian colonies is … [Read more...] about Hobart Town [news extract, 28 May 1853]
An Australian Federation [17 January 1857]
[Editor: A report on a discussion in the Victorian parliament regarding the proposed federation of the Australian colonies. Published in The Argus, 17 January 1857.] An Australian Federation. Although the motion of Mr. Duffy in the Assembly yesterday for a committee on … [Read more...] about An Australian Federation [17 January 1857]
The Teetotaler [6 May 1923]
[Editor: A humorous anecdote. Published in The Sunday Times, 6 May 1923.] The Teetotaler She loved her medicine By Adohr. Some years ago mum was “run down,” so obtained the services of a household worker who had been recommended as a particularly reliable young … [Read more...] about The Teetotaler [6 May 1923]
The real Australian [30 November 1907]
The real Australian. Very few people in Australia are intimately acquainted with the men who have made the country. It is commonly supposed that the pioneers of Australia were thick, burly men — that they presented what may be regarded as an English front to the world. Now, as … [Read more...] about The real Australian [30 November 1907]
Death of a bush poet [re. Philip D. Lorimer , 17 November 1897]
[Editor: About the life of Philip Durham Lorimer.] Death of a bush poet. Mr. Philip D. Lorimer, whose death was announced on Friday (says Monday’s “S. D. Telegraph”), was known right through the country and Queensland and Victoria as “the Australian bush poet.” “Old … [Read more...] about Death of a bush poet [re. Philip D. Lorimer , 17 November 1897]
[The kangaroo name] [11 October 1889]
[Editor: An extract from the “Gossip from Abroad” column in the Portland Guardian, 1889. Whether this story is actually true or not is another matter.] [The kangaroo name] When Captain Cook discovered Australia he saw some of the natives on the shore with a dead animal of … [Read more...] about [The kangaroo name] [11 October 1889]
Mrs. C. J. Carleton: Songstress of Australia [9 September 1922]
[Editor: Article about the life of Caroline Carleton.] Mrs. C. J. Carleton. Songstress of Australia. By Mrs. Willettt Bevan. In 1831, when men of State in England were discussing the establishment of a chartered colony in South Australia, did the daughter of William … [Read more...] about Mrs. C. J. Carleton: Songstress of Australia [9 September 1922]
In the days of the gold escorts [article by Banjo Paterson, 4 February 1939]
[Editor: An article by Andrew Barton (“Banjo”) Paterson about his life.] “Banjo” Paterson tells his own story. — 1. In the days of the gold escorts. Lambing Flat diggings. What the teamster said. By A. B. (“Banjo”) Paterson. Some seventy years ago, two Scotsmen, John … [Read more...] about In the days of the gold escorts [article by Banjo Paterson, 4 February 1939]
Dead: The man who ruined De Garis: Grant Harvey’s strange life ends [9 December 1933]
[Editor: An article about Grant Hervey.] Dead: The man who ruined De Garis Grant Harvey’s strange life ends Story of erratic poet who just missed being a genius A man who was nearly a great Australian poet died in Melbourne the other day. His original name was … [Read more...] about Dead: The man who ruined De Garis: Grant Harvey’s strange life ends [9 December 1933]
Australia’s greatest explorer and his work [re. Charles Sturt, 16 December 1926]
[Editor: An appraisal of the explorations of Charles Sturt.] Australia’s greatest explorer and his work. By E. Waterman. The name of Captain Charles Sturt is one which will live for ever in the glorious list of heroic and daring Australian explorers. Sturt wrote that … [Read more...] about Australia’s greatest explorer and his work [re. Charles Sturt, 16 December 1926]
In the footsteps of the explorers: Hume and Hovell [24 September 1904]
[Editor: Some details of the explorations of Hamilton Hume and William Hovell. Published in The Argus, 24 September 1904.] In the footsteps of the explorers. Hume and Hovell. By Goulburnian. The journey undertaken in 1824 by Hamilton Hume (the first native born … [Read more...] about In the footsteps of the explorers: Hume and Hovell [24 September 1904]
John Monash, soldier, engineer and scholar [by Professor Ernest Scott, 5 August 1939]
[Editor: This is part twelve of the “Men who made Australia” series written by Professor Ernest Scott.] Men who made Australia — No. 12 John Monash, soldier, engineer and scholar. This article completes Professor Sir Ernest Scott’s series on “Men Who Made Australia.” … [Read more...] about John Monash, soldier, engineer and scholar [by Professor Ernest Scott, 5 August 1939]
Alfred Deakin — statesman, orator, and seer [by Professor Ernest Scott, 29 July 1939]
[Editor: This is part eleven of the “Men who made Australia” series written by Professor Ernest Scott.] Men who made Australia — No. 11 Alfred Deakin — statesman, orator, and seer The name Deakin has long been synonymous with eloquence. The silver-tongued orator lives … [Read more...] about Alfred Deakin — statesman, orator, and seer [by Professor Ernest Scott, 29 July 1939]
Edmund Barton, the great federal leader [by Professor Ernest Scott, 22 July 1939]
[Editor: This is part ten of the “Men who made Australia” series written by Professor Ernest Scott.] Men who made Australia — No. 10 Edmund Barton, the great federal leader Sir Ernest Scott, continuing his series of articles on the men who made Australia, brings before … [Read more...] about Edmund Barton, the great federal leader [by Professor Ernest Scott, 22 July 1939]