[Editor: This letter, from Gertrude Lawson, was published in the “All About People” section in The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW), 28 July 1900. The letter was written in reference to a news item regarding Louisa Lawson and Henry Lawson, which was published in the 7 July 1900 issue … [Read more...] about [Letter from Gertrude Lawson] [by Gertrude Lawson, 28 July 1900]
[Mrs. Lawson] [7 July 1900]
[Editor: This brief untitled article, regarding Louisa Lawson and Henry Lawson, was published in The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW), 7 July 1900. A letter was written in reply by Gertrude Lawson.] [Mrs. Lawson] Mrs. Lawson, who received £300 from the Government the other … [Read more...] about [Mrs. Lawson] [7 July 1900]
Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Argus, 8 December 1900]
[Editor: Extracts from the “Deaths” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 8 December 1900.] Deaths. BROOKE. — On the 24th October, at the Military Hospital, Middelburg, Transvaal, South Africa, Harry Hanley, eldest son … [Read more...] about Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Argus, 8 December 1900]
Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Australian naval expedition to China), The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 November 1900]
[Editor: An extract from the “Deaths” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 14 November 1900.] Deaths. STEEL. — November 10, whilst on active service at Taku, China, John James Steel, M.B., C.M., L.R.C.P. … [Read more...] about Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Australian naval expedition to China), The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 November 1900]
In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Australian naval expedition to China), The Daily Telegraph, 9 November 1900]
[Editor: An extract from the “In Memoriam” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 9 November 1900.] In Memoriam. STEEL. — In fond remembrance of the late Staff-Surgeon Steel, who died on active service at Pekin, … [Read more...] about In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Australian naval expedition to China), The Daily Telegraph, 9 November 1900]
Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Daily Telegraph, 27 October 1900]
[Editor: An extract from the “Deaths” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 27 October 1900.] Deaths. CLANCY. — Peter James Clancy, eldest son of Mr. J. R. Clancy, Hay, who was killed while on active service, … [Read more...] about Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Daily Telegraph, 27 October 1900]
In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Maitland Daily Mercury, 19 October 1900]
[Editor: An extract from the “In Memoriam” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Maitland Daily Mercury (Maitland, NSW), 19 October 1900.] In Memoriam AVARD. — In affectionate memory of my comrade, Trooper F. Avard, who died from wounds … [Read more...] about In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Maitland Daily Mercury, 19 October 1900]
In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 October 1900]
[Editor: An extract from the “In Memoriam” notices, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 17 October 1900.] Roll of Honour In Memoriam On Active Service MARTIN. — In sad but loving memory of my dear brother, … [Read more...] about In Memoriam [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 October 1900]
Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Age, 28 July 1900]
[Editor: A death notice, regarding Australian military personnel, published in The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 28 July 1900. Includes one notice extracted from the “Deaths” section.] Deaths KING. — On the 17th July, at Hatherly, South Africa, whilst on active service, Corporal … [Read more...] about Deaths [re Australian military personnel (Boer War), The Age, 28 July 1900]
At the front: With the Fourth Contingent: Letter from Lieutenant W. J. Kellaway [Boer War letter, 23 November 1900]
[Editor: This letter, from a soldier serving in the Boer War (1899-1902), was published in The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.), 23 November 1900.] At the front. With the Fourth Contingent. Letter from Lieutenant W. J. Kellaway. Mrs. J. E. Kellaway, of … [Read more...] about At the front: With the Fourth Contingent: Letter from Lieutenant W. J. Kellaway [Boer War letter, 23 November 1900]
From the late Mr. A. M. Aberline [Boer War letter, 23 October 1900]
[Editor: This letter, from a soldier serving in the Boer War (1899-1902), was published in The Riverine Grazier (Hay, NSW), 23 October 1900.] From the late Mr. A. M. Aberline. From a letter received on Friday last by Mrs. Aberline from her son, Private A. M. Aberline, of … [Read more...] about From the late Mr. A. M. Aberline [Boer War letter, 23 October 1900]
The Boer War [newspaper extracts, The Age, 20 July 1900]
[Editor: Several extracts from “The Boer War” section published in The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 20 July 1900.] The Boer War. Australian Bushmen in action. Boers splendidly repulsed. London, 19th July. Lord Roberts reports that on Monday last a body of Boers made a … [Read more...] about The Boer War [newspaper extracts, The Age, 20 July 1900]
A verse for Australian soldiers [13 February 1900]
[Editor: This article, including a song, pertaining to the Boer War, was published in The South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA), 13 February 1900.] A verse for Australian soldiers. Mrs. C. M. Williams, of Hackney, has composed an additional verse to “The soldiers of … [Read more...] about A verse for Australian soldiers [13 February 1900]
St. Valentine’s Day [15 February 1900]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA), 15 February 1900.] St. Valentine’s Day. Wednesday was St. Valentine’s Day, but perhaps few people knew it outside of those who are diligent students of their calendars. … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [15 February 1900]
[The new stamps] [re the new Tasmanian postage stamps, 2 January 1900]
[Editor: This untitled news item, regarding the new Tasmanian postage stamps, was published in The Daily Telegraph (Launceston, Tas.), 2 January 1900.] [The new stamps] The new stamps are being very severely criticised. Some people object to them on account of their size, … [Read more...] about [The new stamps] [re the new Tasmanian postage stamps, 2 January 1900]
The Naval Contingent: With the Australians in China [17 October 1900]
[Editor: This article, regarding the Australian military expedition to China (1900-1901), was published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 17 October 1900.] The Naval Contingent. With the Australians in China. Ordered to Taku. To Garrison the North-West … [Read more...] about The Naval Contingent: With the Australians in China [17 October 1900]
Books and Bookmen [an anecdote regarding an impromptu ship race, 11 January 1900]
[Editor: This anecdote, written at the time of the Boer War (1899-1902), is an extract from the “Books and Bookmen” column, published in Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic.), 11 January 1900.] Books and Bookmen. When the steamer Warrigal cleared Sydney Heads for Melbourne with … [Read more...] about Books and Bookmen [an anecdote regarding an impromptu ship race, 11 January 1900]
Books and Bookmen [a review of The Australian Girl and Other Verses, 11 January 1900]
[Editor: This review of The Australian Girl and Other Verses (by Ethel Castilla) is an extract from the “Books and Bookmen” column, published in Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic.), 11 January 1900.] Books and Bookmen. The Australian Girl and Other Verses is the title of a … [Read more...] about Books and Bookmen [a review of The Australian Girl and Other Verses, 11 January 1900]
Love the Dreamer [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 29 September 1900]
[Editor: This poem by Norman L. Beurle was published in The Australasian (Melbourne), 29 September 1900.] Love, the Dreamer. Love, the Dreamer, came to me One fair day in early spring;. Whispered, “Follow,” then each tree Laughed in joyous blossoming; Then the breath … [Read more...] about Love the Dreamer [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 29 September 1900]
Prayer to the West [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 11 August 1900]
[Editor: This poem by Norman L. Beurle was published in The Australasian (Melbourne), 11 August 1900.] Prayer to the West. Breeze of the Western World. Soft, like a dream-wind, blow; Caress the swelling sails unfurled; My love with thee doth go. Waves of the Western … [Read more...] about Prayer to the West [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 11 August 1900]
The Children [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 12 May 1900]
[Editor: This poem by Norman L. Beurle was published in The Weekly Times (Melbourne), 12 May 1900.] The Children. (To my old scholars.) Away in the city, years ago, I made me friends of the boys and girls; I warmed my heart in the golden glow Of smiling faces and … [Read more...] about The Children [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 12 May 1900]
Absence [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 17 February 1900]
[Editor: This poem by Norman L. Beurle was published in The Australasian (Melbourne), 17 February 1900.] Absence. I hear thy voice in whispered song of bird, In every note of spring’s returning lay, In every echo that the cliffs have heard From those white rollers in … [Read more...] about Absence [poem by Norman L. Beurle, 17 February 1900]
Farrellesque reminiscenses [by W. T. Goodge, 22 January 1904]
[Editor: This article appeared in the column “Random Notes” (written by W. T. Goodge), published in The Western Champion, 22 January 1904.] Farrellesque reminiscenses. John Farrell is dead, and Australia has lost a front-rank journalist of remarkable versatility. He was a … [Read more...] about Farrellesque reminiscenses [by W. T. Goodge, 22 January 1904]
“Call All Hands” [letter, 21 April 1900]
[Editor: This letter was published in The Daily Telegraph, 21 April 1900. The correspondent wrote regarding the song “Call All Hands”, by W. T. Goodge.] “Call All Hands.” The spirited verses, “Call All Hands,” by Mr. W. T. Goodge, of Orange, New South Wales, which first … [Read more...] about “Call All Hands” [letter, 21 April 1900]
The sorrows of fame [by W. T. Goodge, 12 May 1900]
[Editor: This article by W. T. Goodge was published in the Orange Leader and Millthorpe Messenger (Orange, NSW), 12 May 1900.] The sorrows of fame. [I ask the indulgence of the readers of the LEADER that I may ease my soul of a feeling of desperate vexation at an outrage … [Read more...] about The sorrows of fame [by W. T. Goodge, 12 May 1900]