[Editor: This poem, by “Den” (C. J. Dennis), written for Valentine’s Day, was published in The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), 15 February 1937.] Modern Valentines By “Den” Yesterday, February 14th, was St. Valentine’s Day; but the old custom of the exchange of valentines … [Read more...] about Modern Valentines [poem by “Den” (C. J. Dennis), 15 February 1937]
Valentine's Day
A Valentine [poem by Barcroft Boake]
[Editor: This poem by Barcroft Boake was published in Where the Dead Men Lie and Other Poems (1897).] A Valentine The Bree was up; the floods were out Around the hut of Culgo Jim: The hand of God had broke the drought And filled the channels to the brim: The outline … [Read more...] about A Valentine [poem by Barcroft Boake]
St. Valentine’s Day: A Privateering Ballad (1708—1710) [poem by E. J. Brady, 16 December 1899]
[Editor: This poem, by E. J. Brady, about the English privateer Captain Woodes Rogers (and with reference to Valentine’s Day), was published in The Critic (Adelaide, SA), 16 December 1899.] St. Valentine’s Day. A Privateering Ballad. (1708—1710.) By E. J. … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day: A Privateering Ballad (1708—1710) [poem by E. J. Brady, 16 December 1899]
St. Valentine’s Day [24 February 1875]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers (Melbourne, Vic.), 24 February 1875.] St. Valentine’s Day. The custom of celebrating St. Valentine’s Day has been more or less observed in England and … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [24 February 1875]
Valentine [poem by Phyllis Duncan-Brown, 13 February 1937]
[Editor: This poem, by Phyllis Duncan-Brown, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Australian Women’s Weekly (Sydney, NSW), 13 February 1937.] Lyric of Life Valentine I give my love to you my dear, With hope that’s simple and sincere In this fond heart of … [Read more...] about Valentine [poem by Phyllis Duncan-Brown, 13 February 1937]
An Editorial: St. Valentines Day [13 February 1937]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Australian Women’s Weekly (Sydney, NSW), 13 February 1937.] An Editorial February 13, 1937. St. Valentines Day Sunday of this week will be Saint Valentine’s Day — a day associated since time … [Read more...] about An Editorial: St. Valentines Day [13 February 1937]
Her valentine [by F.F.B., 10 February 1915]
[Editor: This article, by F.F.B., regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 10 February 1915.] Her valentine. (By F.F.B.) No longer on St. Valentine’s Day do maiden hearts flutter violently at each visit of the postman, and if, on … [Read more...] about Her valentine [by F.F.B., 10 February 1915]
St. Valentine’s Day [17 February 1923]
[Editor: This letter, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in the “Our notebook” section of The Saturday Journal (Adelaide, SA), 17 February 1923.] St. Valentine’s Day. Last Wednesday was St. Valentine’s Day, and although the observances for years have been obsolete, … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [17 February 1923]
St. Valentine’s Day [15 February 1900]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA), 15 February 1900.] St. Valentine’s Day. Wednesday was St. Valentine’s Day, but perhaps few people knew it outside of those who are diligent students of their calendars. … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [15 February 1900]
Valentine Day: Vanishing Valentines [10 February 1897]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Shoalhaven Telegraph (Nowra, NSW), 10 February 1897.] Valentine Day. Vanishing Valentines. Saturday next, February 14th, will be St. Valentine’s Day. In Nowra, in Australia in fact, the custom of … [Read more...] about Valentine Day: Vanishing Valentines [10 February 1897]
Vanished St. Valentine [22 February 1902]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in the Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (Newcastle, NSW), 22 February 1902.] Vanished St. Valentine. An attempt was made this year by one or two of our fancy shops to resuscitate St. Valentine’s … [Read more...] about Vanished St. Valentine [22 February 1902]
St. Valentine’s Day [16 February 1880]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Ballarat Star (Ballarat, Vic.), 16 February 1880.] St. Valentine’s Day. On last Saturday about 7000 valentines passed through the Ballarat post-office. We should recommend persons desirous to ascertain … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [16 February 1880]
St. Valentine’s Day: No valentine trade: Valentine chit chat [14 February 1894]
[Editor: This article, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), 14 February 1894.] St. Valentine’s Day. No valentine trade. Valentine chit chat. By Rita. St. Valentine’ Day is so far forgotten nowadays that a leading bookseller … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day: No valentine trade: Valentine chit chat [14 February 1894]
Valentine’s day [21 February 1896]
[Editor: This article (including a poem), regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in the Morwell Advertiser (Morwell, Vic.), 21 February 1896.] Valentine’s day. The old institution of St. Valentine’s day has, like various other imported traditions, fallen out of favor. … [Read more...] about Valentine’s day [21 February 1896]
St. Valentine’s Day [poem by H.N.L.K., 14 February 1895]
[Editor: This poem, by H.N.L.K., regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Mount Alexander Mail (Castlemaine, Vic.), 14 February 1895.] St. Valentine’s Day. February 14th, 1895. ’Tis pairing season! Lassies fair And Lads so blythe and gay, Selection make — but … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [poem by H.N.L.K., 14 February 1895]
A Valentine [poem, 18 February 1825]
[Editor: This poem, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in the Hobart Town Gazette, and Van Diemen’s Land Advertiser (Hobart Town, Tas.), 18 February 1825.] A Valentine. Once sweet flower of vernal hue, Giving thy sweets to air, When Flora charms the ravis’d … [Read more...] about A Valentine [poem, 18 February 1825]
Valentine’s Day [poem by Maurice Farjeon, 14 February 1887]
[Editor: This poem, by Maurice Farjeon, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), 14 February 1887.] Valentine’s Day. By Maurice Farjeon. St. Valentine, the patron saint Of lovers fond and true, Descends to earth one day each … [Read more...] about Valentine’s Day [poem by Maurice Farjeon, 14 February 1887]
St. Valentine’s Day [poem by Bessie Vickery, 13 February 1880]
[Editor: This poem, by Bessie Vickery, regarding Valentine’s Day, was published in the Alexandra & Yea Standard; Gobur, Thornton, and Acheron Express (Alexandra, Vic.), 13 February 1880.] St. Valentine’s Day. St. Valentines day has come again, And faces are pressed to … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day [poem by Bessie Vickery, 13 February 1880]
Saint Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is celebrated each year on the 14th of February. The day is also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine; it was originally a Christian feast day to honor Saint Valentine, who was a 3rd Century Christian priest who was imprisoned, tortured, … [Read more...] about Saint Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day [list of articles and poems]
Valentine’s Day is celebrated each year on the 14th of February. The day is also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine; it was originally a Christian feast day to honor Saint Valentine, who was a 3rd Century Christian priest who was imprisoned, tortured, … [Read more...] about Valentine’s Day [list of articles and poems]