[Editor: This brief untitled article, regarding Louisa Lawson and Henry Lawson, was published in The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW), 7 July 1900. A letter was written in reply by Gertrude Lawson.]
[Mrs. Lawson]
Mrs. Lawson, who received £300 from the Government the other day, on account of a cable tram accident, is the mother of poet Henry Lawson. She is a rather remarkable woman. She followed the fortunes of her husband, who was a gold digger, and educated her family under rare difficulties.
Henry was born in a tent on the Gulgong goldfields; the place was in flood at the time. The mother and the baby were surrounded by water.
Mrs. Lawson has for years been the proprietor and conductor of “The Dawn,” a family periodical, and in her office only women are employed.
The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW), 7 July 1900, p. 21
[Editor: The original text has been separated into paragraphs.]
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