[Editor: This review, of two books by Eleanor Dark and Kylie Tennant, was published in The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld.), 15 February 1947.] Two new books ..... With accent on the Australian scene The realisation that we have writers in Australia who are fast taking … [Read more...] about Two new books ….. with accent on the Australian scene [book reviews, 15 February 1947]
book reviews
Short notice [literary reviews, 8 March 1902]
[Editor: These literary reviews are extracts from the “Short notice” section published in The Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW), 8 March 1902.] Short notice. We have received a copy of the “Review of Reviews for Australia” for the current month. In … [Read more...] about Short notice [literary reviews, 8 March 1902]
[The Three Colonies of Australia (review)] [February 1853]
[Editor: This brief untitled review of The Three Colonies of Australia (by Samuel Sidney), was published in the “Literature” segment of the “Editorial notes” section in Putnam’s Monthly (New York, USA), February 1853.] [The Three Colonies of Australia (review)] That … [Read more...] about [The Three Colonies of Australia (review)] [February 1853]
New novels [book review of “Saraband for Dead Lovers” by Helen Simpson, 27 April 1935]
[Editor: This book review, of the novel Saraband for Dead Lovers by Helen de Guerry Simpson, is an extract from the “New novels” section published in the The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), 27 April 1935.] New novels The unhappy married life and lonely and terrible fate … [Read more...] about New novels [book review of “Saraband for Dead Lovers” by Helen Simpson, 27 April 1935]
New novels [book review of “Earth’s Quality” by Winifred Birkett, 27 April 1935]
[Editor: This book review, of the novel Earth’s Quality by Winifred Birkett, is an extract from the “New novels” section published in the The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), 27 April 1935.] New novels A welcome addition to Australian fiction is “Earth’s Quality,” an ably … [Read more...] about New novels [book review of “Earth’s Quality” by Winifred Birkett, 27 April 1935]
New novels [book review of “Far Caravan” by E. V. Timms, 27 April 1935]
[Editor: This book review, of the novel Far Caravan by E. V. Timms, is an extract from the “New novels” section published in the The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), 27 April 1935.] New novels Times of turmoil in and around seventeenth-century Russia give well-taken … [Read more...] about New novels [book review of “Far Caravan” by E. V. Timms, 27 April 1935]
They That Sit in Darkness [2 September 1897]
[Editor: This review of They That Sit in Darkness: A Story of the Australian Never-Never (written by John Mackie) was published in The Press (Christchurch, NZ), 2 September 1897.] They That Sit in Darkness. “Weekly Press and Referee.” By John Mackie. A story of the … [Read more...] about They That Sit in Darkness [2 September 1897]
Recent publications [13 August 1904]
[Editor: This review of The Coloured Conquest (1904) is an extract from the “Recent publications” section published in the Evening News (Sydney, NSW), 13 August 1904.] Recent publications. We may differ in opinion from others as to the consequences of Japanese victory … [Read more...] about Recent publications [13 August 1904]
“The Coloured Conquest” [review, 9 August 1904]
[Editor: This review of The Coloured Conquest (1904) was published in The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW), 9 August 1904.] “The Coloured Conquest.” The author of a little book, which has been inspired by the Russo-Japanese war, and which bears the title quoted above, has … [Read more...] about “The Coloured Conquest” [review, 9 August 1904]
“Dert and Do.” (Gert and Joe.) [reviews of a book by Louisa Lawson]
[Editor: This advertisement (consisting of reviews) for the book Dert and Do, by Louisa Lawson, was published in “The Lonely Crossing” and Other Poems (1905).] “Dert and Do.” (Gert and Joe.) By Louisa Lawson. Price: One shilling. Reviews — “Dert and Do,” by … [Read more...] about “Dert and Do.” (Gert and Joe.) [reviews of a book by Louisa Lawson]
[The Yellow Wave] [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 24 December 1895]
[Editor: This review of The Yellow Wave (by Kenneth Mackay) is an extract from the “Book Notices” section published in The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW), 24 December 1895.] [The Yellow Wave] Mr. Kenneth Mackay, M.L.A., has written “The Yellow Wave.” It is readable; and … [Read more...] about [The Yellow Wave] [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 24 December 1895]
[The Crooked Stick, or Polly’s Probation] [a review of the novel by Rolf Boldrewood, 24 December 1895]
[Editor: This review of The Crooked Stick, or Polly’s Protection (by Rolf Boldrewood) is an extract from the “Book Notices” section published in The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW), 24 December 1895.] [The Crooked Stick, or Polly’s Probation] Our old friend Rolf Boldrewood … [Read more...] about [The Crooked Stick, or Polly’s Probation] [a review of the novel by Rolf Boldrewood, 24 December 1895]
[The Secret of the Great Desert] [book review, 7 December 1895]
[Editor: This review of The Secret of the Great Desert (by Ernest Favenc) is an extract from the “Literature” section published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 7 December 1895.] [The Secret of the Great Desert] Mr. Ernest Favenc’s is a name well known to Australian … [Read more...] about [The Secret of the Great Desert] [book review, 7 December 1895]
[The Yellow Wave] [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 7 December 1895]
[Editor: This review of The Yellow Wave (by Kenneth Mackay) is an extract from the “Literature” section published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 7 December 1895.] [The Yellow Wave] After the recent developments of the Chinese war, and the evidences of the utter … [Read more...] about [The Yellow Wave] [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 7 December 1895]
[Songs of the South] [book review, 7 December 1895]
[Editor: This review of Songs of the South (by J. B. O’Hara) is an extract from the “Literature” section published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 7 December 1895.] [Songs of the South] We have received from Messrs. Ward, Lock, and Bowden, the publishers, “Songs of … [Read more...] about [Songs of the South] [book review, 7 December 1895]
“The Yellow Wave” [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 12 November 1897]
[Editor: This review of The Yellow Wave (by Kenneth Mackay) was published in The Albury Banner, and Wodonga Express (Albury, NSW), 12 November 1897.] “The Yellow Wave” Bentley’s (London) have just published a cheap edition of “The Yellow Wave,” a patriotic, soul-stirring, … [Read more...] about “The Yellow Wave” [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 12 November 1897]
[The Yellow Wave] [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 21 December 1895]
[Editor: This review of The Yellow Wave (by Kenneth Mackay) is an extract from the “Literature” section published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 21 December 1895.] [The Yellow Wave] The appearance of such a book as “The Yellow Wave,” by Kenneth Mackay, commands the … [Read more...] about [The Yellow Wave] [a review of the novel by Kenneth Mackay, 21 December 1895]
Jack Moses [book review, 20 April 1924]
[Editor: This review of Beyond the City Gates (by Jack Moses), was published in the “Of Making Many Books” section of The Sun (Sydney, NSW), 20 April 1924.] Jack Moses A breath of the bush is to be caught in the verses and sketches contained in Jack Moses’s book “Beyond … [Read more...] about Jack Moses [book review, 20 April 1924]
The call for a melting pot [book review of “A Constitution for a Continent”, 6 November 1919]
[Editor: This review of A Constitution for a Continent (1919) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 6 November 1919.] The call for a melting pot A Constitution for a Continent, by O. D. Zieman, is a painstaking book, with some deep thinking in it. The writer is … [Read more...] about The call for a melting pot [book review of “A Constitution for a Continent”, 6 November 1919]
Boote [book review of “The Land of Whereisit”, 6 November 1919]
[Editor: This review of The Land of Whereisit (1919) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 6 November 1919.] Boote H. E. Boote, of the Sydney Worker, is fond of epigram and parable — more fond of them than of the hard stinging logic that makes for victorious … [Read more...] about Boote [book review of “The Land of Whereisit”, 6 November 1919]
Burke and Wills [book review, 12 June 1937]
[Editor: This book review of Dig, by Frank Clune, about the Burke and Wills expedition, was published in the “Current Literature” section of The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 12 June 1937.] Burke and Wills. Mr. Frank Clune has chosen a fascinating subject; the … [Read more...] about Burke and Wills [book review, 12 June 1937]
Poems by J. Shaw Neilson [book review, 22 December 1923]
[Editor: This article, about John Shaw Neilson and his books, was published in The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), 22 December 1923.] Poems by J. Shaw Neilson. When John Shaw Neilson, nearly four years ago, gave us a slender volume called “Heart of Spring,” it became … [Read more...] about Poems by J. Shaw Neilson [book review, 22 December 1923]
“Australia in Palestine” [book review, 6 November 1919]
[Editor: This review of Australia in Palestine (1919) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 6 November 1919.] “Australia in Palestine” No more attractive Digger book has been published than this, and we don’t expect a better. It is so varied in its interest. There … [Read more...] about “Australia in Palestine” [book review, 6 November 1919]
Neilson [review of Heart of Spring (by John Shaw Neilson), 6 November 1919]
[Editor: This review of Heart of Spring (by John Shaw Neilson) was published in The Bulletin (Sydney, NSW), 6 November 1919.] Neilson In Heart of Spring (The Bookfellow, Sydney) Shaw Neilson collects many of his scattered verses into a little book that is full of delicate … [Read more...] about Neilson [review of Heart of Spring (by John Shaw Neilson), 6 November 1919]
The Fighting 13th [book review, 22 March 1924]
[Editor: This review of “The History of the Thirteenth Battalion, A.I.F.” was published in the “Books and Bookmen” column in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 22 March 1924.] The Fighting 13th “The History of the Thirteenth Battalion, A.I.F.,” by Thomas A. White (Sydney, … [Read more...] about The Fighting 13th [book review, 22 March 1924]