[Editor: This poem by C. J. Dennis was published in Backblock Ballads and Other Verses (1913) and Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (1918).] Son of a Fool Gyved and chained in his father’s home, He toiled ’neath a conqueror’s rule; Bowed to the earth in the land of his … [Read more...] about Son of a Fool [poem by C. J. Dennis]
Editor’s notes
Hymn of Futility [poem by C. J. Dennis]
[Editor: This poem by C. J. Dennis was published in Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (1918).] Hymn of Futility Lord, Thou hast given unto us a land. In Thy beneficence Thou has ordained That we should hold a country great and grand, Such as no race of old has ever … [Read more...] about Hymn of Futility [poem by C. J. Dennis]
We called him “Ally” for short [by Henry Lawson]
[Editor: This story by Henry Lawson was published in Short Stories in Prose and Verse, 1894.] We called him “Ally” for short I don’t believe in ghosts; I never did have any sympathy with them, being inclined to regard them as a nuisance and a bore. A ghost generally comes … [Read more...] about We called him “Ally” for short [by Henry Lawson]
Jim Carew [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895.] Jim Carew Born of a thoroughbred English race, Well proportioned and closely knit, Neat, slim figure and handsome face, Always ready and always fit, Hardy and … [Read more...] about Jim Carew [poem by Banjo Paterson]
How the Favourite Beat Us [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in Rosehill Race Book, 9 November 1894.] How the Favourite Beat Us ‘Aye,’ said the boozer, ‘I tell you it’s true, sir, ‘I once was a punter with … [Read more...] about How the Favourite Beat Us [poem by Banjo Paterson]
A Bush Christening [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 16 December 1893.] A Bush Christening On the outer Barcoo where the churches are few, And men of religion are scanty, On a road … [Read more...] about A Bush Christening [poem by Banjo Paterson]
Those Names [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 20 September 1890.] Those Names The shearers sat in the firelight, hearty and hale and strong, After the hard day’s shearing, … [Read more...] about Those Names [poem by Banjo Paterson]
In Defence of the Bush [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 23 July 1892.] In Defence of the Bush So you’re back from up the country, Mister Townsman, where you went, And you’re cursing … [Read more...] about In Defence of the Bush [poem by Banjo Paterson]
How Gilbert Died [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 2 June 1894.] How Gilbert Died There’s never a stone at the sleeper’s head, There’s never a fence beside, And the wandering … [Read more...] about How Gilbert Died [poem by Banjo Paterson]
A Bushman’s Song [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 24 December 1892.] A Bushman’s Song I’m travelling down the Castlereagh, and I’m a station-hand, I’m handy with the ropin’ pole, … [Read more...] about A Bushman’s Song [poem by Banjo Paterson]
The All Right ’Un [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 5 August 1893.] The All Right ’Un He came from ‘further out,’ That land of fear and drought And dust and gravel. He got a … [Read more...] about The All Right ’Un [poem by Banjo Paterson]
A Voice from the Town [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 20 October 1894.] A Voice from the Town A sequel to ‘A Voice from the Bush’ I thought, in the days of the droving, Of steps I … [Read more...] about A Voice from the Town [poem by Banjo Paterson]
In the Droving Days [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 20 June 1891.] In the Droving Days ‘Only a pound,” said the auctioneer, ‘Only a pound; and I’m standing here ‘Selling this … [Read more...] about In the Droving Days [poem by Banjo Paterson]
The Two Devines [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 15 December 1894.] The Two Devines It was shearing time at the Myall Lake, And then rose the sound through the livelong day Of … [Read more...] about The Two Devines [poem by Banjo Paterson]
The Man from Ironbark [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 17 December 1892. It is a story about a barber who plays a practical joke upon an unsuspecting man from the bush. The meaning of various … [Read more...] about The Man from Ironbark [poem by Banjo Paterson]
A Mountain Station [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 19 December 1891.] A Mountain Station I bought a run a while ago On country rough and ridgy, Where wallaroos and wombats grow … [Read more...] about A Mountain Station [poem by Banjo Paterson]
Saltbush Bill [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 15 December 1894.] Saltbush Bill Now is the law of the Overland that all in the West obey — A man must cover with travelling … [Read more...] about Saltbush Bill [poem by Banjo Paterson]
An Idyll of Dandaloo [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 21 December 1889.] An Idyll of Dandaloo On Western plains, where shade is not, ’Neath summer skies of cloudless blue, Where all … [Read more...] about An Idyll of Dandaloo [poem by Banjo Paterson]
Our New Horse [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 22 March 1890.] Our New Horse The boys had come back from the races All silent and down on their luck; They’d backed ’em, … [Read more...] about Our New Horse [poem by Banjo Paterson]
Clancy of The Overflow [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 21 December 1889.] Clancy of The Overflow I had written him a letter which I had, for want of better Knowledge, sent to where I … [Read more...] about Clancy of The Overflow [poem by Banjo Paterson]
Old Pardon, the Son of Reprieve [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 22 December 1888.] Old Pardon, the Son of Reprieve You never heard tell of the story? Well, now, I can hardly believe! Never … [Read more...] about Old Pardon, the Son of Reprieve [poem by Banjo Paterson]
The Man from Snowy River [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895; previously published in The Bulletin, 21 December 1889.] The Man from Snowy River There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around That the colt from … [Read more...] about The Man from Snowy River [poem by Banjo Paterson]
Prelude [poem by Banjo Paterson]
[Editor: This poem by “Banjo” Paterson was published in The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, 1895.] Prelude I have gathered these stories afar In the wind and the rain, In the land where the cattle-camps are, On the edge of the Plain. On the overland routes of … [Read more...] about Prelude [poem by Banjo Paterson]
The Old Bullock Dray [song, 1905]
[Editor: This song was published in The Old Bush Songs (1905), edited by Banjo Paterson. It was previously published (with variations) in The North Melbourne Advertiser, 14 March 1890.] The Old Bullock Dray Oh! the shearing is all over, And the wool is coming down, And … [Read more...] about The Old Bullock Dray [song, 1905]
The Old Bush Songs [edited by Banjo Paterson, 1905]
[Editor: This collection of bush songs, edited by Andrew Barton (“Banjo”) Paterson, was published in 1905. The book enjoyed a widespread popularity in Australia. Whilst many of these songs had previously been printed in newspaper format, this was possibly the first time that a … [Read more...] about The Old Bush Songs [edited by Banjo Paterson, 1905]