[Editor: This untitled item, about Wattle Day and the Wattle Day League, is an extract from the “Lady’s letter” section (by “Nimitybelle”), published in The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (Braidwood, NSW), 8 September 1909.] [Wattle Day is our new national … [Read more...] about [Wattle Day is our new national institution] [by “Nimitybelle”, 8 September 1909]
Wattle Day
Wattle Day: A good movement [31 August 1909]
[Editor: This article, about the proposal for a Wattle Day, was published in The Sydney Stock & Station Journal (Sydney, NSW), 31 August 1909.] Wattle Day. A good movement. There is an agitation going on in Sydney just now for the establishment of a purely Australian … [Read more...] about Wattle Day: A good movement [31 August 1909]
Wattle Day [notice of inaugural meeting, 27 August 1909]
[Editor: This notice of a meeting, to discuss the creation of a Wattle Day, was published in the Evening News (Sydney, NSW), 27 August 1909.] Wattle Day. With a view of stimulating Australian national sentiment, and connecting it with love of our beautiful flora, a … [Read more...] about Wattle Day [notice of inaugural meeting, 27 August 1909]
Proposed “Wattle Day” [26 August 1909]
[Editor: This article about Wattle Day was published in The Star (Sydney, NSW), 26 August 1909.] Proposed “Wattle Day.” Mesdames Hannah Clunies-Ross, and Agnes L. Kettlewell, and the curator of the Botanical Gardens, Mr. J. H. Maiden, are convening a meeting to be held at … [Read more...] about Proposed “Wattle Day” [26 August 1909]
Wattle Day: An emblem and its meaning [by K. R. Cramp, 1 August 1936]
[Editor: This article, by K. R. Cramp, about Wattle Day, was published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 1 August 1936.] Wattle Day. An emblem and its meaning. (By K. R. Cramp, O.B.E., Vice-president, Wattle League.) It is just over the quarter of the … [Read more...] about Wattle Day: An emblem and its meaning [by K. R. Cramp, 1 August 1936]
Wattle Day League [letter from Ellenor Symon and Muriel E. Farr, 30 August 1910]
[Editor: This letter, about Wattle Day and the Wattle Day League, from Ellenor Symon and Muriel E. Farr (officers of the Wattle Day League in South Australia), was published in The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), 30 August 1910.] Wattle Day League. To the Editor. Sir — The … [Read more...] about Wattle Day League [letter from Ellenor Symon and Muriel E. Farr, 30 August 1910]
[At the Royal Society’s House] [creation of the Wattle Day League, 1 September 1909]
[Editor: This untitled article, about the creation of the Wattle Day League, and their plans for establishing Wattle Day, is an extract from the “Social Gossip” section (by “Genette”) published in The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (Sydney, NSW), 1 September … [Read more...] about [At the Royal Society’s House] [creation of the Wattle Day League, 1 September 1909]
[A meeting, largely attended] [re Wattle Day, 2 October 1909]
[Editor: This untitled item, about Wattle Day, is an extract from the “Orchard, Vineyard & Garden” section published in The Leader (Melbourne, Vic.), 2 October 1909.] [A meeting, largely attended] A meeting, largely attended, principally by ladies, was held in the Royal … [Read more...] about [A meeting, largely attended] [re Wattle Day, 2 October 1909]
Wattle Day [letter from J. H. Maiden, 30 August 1910]
[Editor: This letter from J. H. Maiden, a campaigner for the widespread recognition of Wattle Day, was published in The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 30 August 1910.] Wattle Day. To the Editor. Sir, — Will you permit me to invite the attention of your readers to the … [Read more...] about Wattle Day [letter from J. H. Maiden, 30 August 1910]
A Plea for Wattle Day [poem by Marion Miller Knowles, 19 August 1926]
[Editor: This poem by Marion Miller Knowles, written in support of raising funds for orphanages on Wattle Day, was published in The Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), 19 August 1926.] A Plea for Wattle Day. Written for “The Advocate.” Little gold heads on the green wattle … [Read more...] about A Plea for Wattle Day [poem by Marion Miller Knowles, 19 August 1926]
Wattle Day [19 August 1926]
[Editor: This article about Wattle Day was published in The Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), 19 August 1926.] Wattle Day. Wattle Day has been fixed for Friday, 27th inst., and sprigs of wattle and buttons will be sold in the streets on behalf of the various children’s homes … [Read more...] about Wattle Day [19 August 1926]
Wattle Day: Observance in State schools [5 July 1920]
[Editor: This brief article about Wattle Day was published in The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld.), 5 July 1920.] Wattle Day. Observance in State schools. The State schools will observe Wattle Day, which has been fixed for Friday, 16th July. In a note to the teachers in … [Read more...] about Wattle Day: Observance in State schools [5 July 1920]
Wattle Day [9 September 1910]
[Editor: This article about Wattle Day was published in the “Schools column” section of the Macleay Argus (Kempsey, NSW), 9 September 1910.] Wattle Day. Wattle Day was celebrated in this State, and in fact the whole Commonwealth on Thursday last September 1st. The Wattle … [Read more...] about Wattle Day [9 September 1910]
Wattle Day [8 September 1910]
[Editor: This article, about Wattle Day, and the activities of the Wattle Day League, was published in the Clarence & Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW), 8 September 1910.] Wattle Day. September 1st marked our first Wattle Day. Sydney seemed to be in gala attire; such a … [Read more...] about Wattle Day [8 September 1910]
Wattle Day
Articles, letters, and poems regarding Wattle Day, the Wattle Day League, and wattle trees. (Arranged in chronological order.) The Wattle Tree [poem, 1 January 1876] Wattle bloom [by F.M., 31 August 1889] A lengthy article regarding wattle trees, and more. The last … [Read more...] about Wattle Day
A Wattle Badge [letter from Agnes L. Kettlewell, 15 August 1914]
[Editor: This letter from Agnes L. Kettlewell (nee Storrie), regarding the Wattle Day League, was published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 August 1914 (during World War One).] A Wattle Badge. To the Editor of the Herald. Sir, — It may interest your readers to know … [Read more...] about A Wattle Badge [letter from Agnes L. Kettlewell, 15 August 1914]
Wattle Day [letter from Agnes L. Kettlewell, 31 August 1910]
[Editor: This letter from Agnes L. Kettlewell (nee Storrie) regarding Wattle Day and the Wattle Day League was published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 31 August 1910.] Wattle Day. As secretary and one of the original conveners of the Wattle Day League, it has been my duty … [Read more...] about Wattle Day [letter from Agnes L. Kettlewell, 31 August 1910]
A Wattle Day Contrast [poem by Silas Lister, 7 September 1915]
[Editor: This poem by Silas Lister was published in The Register, 7 September 1915.] A Wattle Day Contrast. [By Silas Lister.] Never yet had Wattle Day Half such depth and splendour! And never held a wattle spray Meaning quite so tender! Dear Symbol — ever dearer … [Read more...] about A Wattle Day Contrast [poem by Silas Lister, 7 September 1915]