[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter XI Dundas rose slowly to his feet, and then stood staring straight before him. After the first cry he made no sound, remaining rigid and motionless, so that he might have … [Read more...] about Chapter 11 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 10 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter X With his hands deep in his pockets and his chin on his chest, Alan paced slowly up and down the verandah of the homestead. He had abandoned his first idea of going at … [Read more...] about Chapter 10 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 9 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter IX Standing rigid, with his breath coming in quick gasps, Alan took in every detail of his position. The landing he had come upon appeared to be an enlargement of the … [Read more...] about Chapter 9 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 8 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter VIII For a little space Alan could scarcely believe the evidence of his eyes. With wildly beating heart and shaking hands he reached for his lamp, and without rising from … [Read more...] about Chapter 8 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 7 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter VII Nature took her full toll of his weary body, and it was nearly nine next morning before Dundas kicked off his bed clothes with a hearty exclamation of dismay at his … [Read more...] about Chapter 7 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 6 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter VI Dundas was feeling “Monday morningish.” He over cooked his eggs and the bread he fried refused to crisp, and its doughiness and the extra annoyance of having let the … [Read more...] about Chapter 6 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 5 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter V Meanwhile, way down the long white road between well-ordered vineyards and scattered homesteads nestling in orchards, sped Marian and Alan behind the fretting Billy, and … [Read more...] about Chapter 5 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 4 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter IV Dundas woke late and care-free. It was ten o’clock before he had finished his leisurely breakfast, and captured and groomed Billy. Then he turned his attention to his … [Read more...] about Chapter 4 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 3 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter III Next morning Alan Dundas returned to his work with an interest he had never known before. When he had stopped the night before, he had uncovered about two square … [Read more...] about Chapter 3 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 2 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter II In a long white robe before the mirror of her dressing table Doris Bryce stood flashing a silver-backed brush through her long, thick hair. Her lord and alleged master … [Read more...] about Chapter 2 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Chapter 1 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Chapter I Bryce brought his car to a stop in front of the deep verandah of the homestead, and, before getting out, let his eyes search the vivid green of the vines for the owner. … [Read more...] about Chapter 1 [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Prologue [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This is the Prologue from Out of the Silence (1947 edition) by Erle Cox (1873-1950).] Prologue. There was a man seated at a table in what appeared to be a vast physical laboratory. On the table, which was littered with instruments and apparatus, stood a large … [Read more...] about Prologue [Out of the Silence, by Erle Cox]
Out of the Silence [novel by Erle Cox]
[Editor: This book by Erle Cox (1873-1950) originally appeared in serial form in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.) in 1919. It was first published in a book format in 1925; the 1947 edition, which appears here, included a Prologue. It was an very popular novel, and was published in … [Read more...] about Out of the Silence [novel by Erle Cox]
Australia [poem, 29 May 1947]
[Editor: A child’s patriotic poem. Published in The Western Mail, 29 May 1947.] Australia. Australia how I love you, With your sunny plains. Oh, how I love your rugged hills Your great wide fields of grain. Your animal and bird life, Your flowers of every hue, Your … [Read more...] about Australia [poem, 29 May 1947]
In the days of the pioneers: How Charlie Cameron escaped murder at the hands of blacks [21 February 1947]
[Editor: An article regarding one man’s experiences with the Australian Aborigines. Published in The Land, 21 February 1947.] In the days of the pioneers How Charlie Cameron escaped murder at the hands of blacks (By W.R.C.) When Charlie Cameron, an uncle of the … [Read more...] about In the days of the pioneers: How Charlie Cameron escaped murder at the hands of blacks [21 February 1947]
Chapter 6 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] VI Character sketch: Hon. Peter Lalor Reverting now to the adventures of the Commander-in-Chief (whom I left marshalling his men when the army hove in view), we know that he received a … [Read more...] about Chapter 6 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
Chapter 5 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] V The Fight It was at this critical juncture, when men’s minds were seething with passion, that another hunting raid was got up, and carried out with so many incidents of undisguised … [Read more...] about Chapter 5 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
Chapter 4 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] IV The Hon. Peter Lalor Having thus far sketched, as briefly as the nature of the subject would permit, the sequence of events from the beginning of the agitation for reform at Bendigo … [Read more...] about Chapter 4 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
Chapter 3 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] III A justification of the outbreak Turning next to the peace party, we discover a miscellaneous assortment. We admit that a large number of them shrank from strong measures in obedience … [Read more...] about Chapter 3 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
Chapter 2 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] II The leaders The burning of Bentley’s hotel marks a distinct epoch, and synchronises with the beginning of the monster meetings. Minor meetings there had been frequently, in which choice … [Read more...] about Chapter 2 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
Chapter 1 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] The Story of the Eureka Stockade I The causes of the outbreaks That epic incident in colonial history, known as the Eureka Stockade, has been already treated of so fully by the … [Read more...] about Chapter 1 [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
Foreword [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Story of the Eureka Stockade by John Lynch.] Foreword This is a first-hand — but little known account of Eureka, written by John Lynch, who was one of Peter Lalor’s captains in the Eureka Stockade. He wrote his story of the insurrection … [Read more...] about Foreword [The Story of the Eureka Stockade, by John Lynch]
The Story of the Eureka Stockade [by John Lynch, 1947]
[Editor: The Story of the Eureka Stockade was written by John Lynch, regarding various events and people connected to the Eureka Rebellion. It was originally published as a magazine serial story in 1893-1894. As this publication did not have a contents page, a list of the … [Read more...] about The Story of the Eureka Stockade [by John Lynch, 1947]
A Ballad of Eureka [poem by Victor Daley]
[Editor: A poem by Victor Daley about the Eureka Rebellion which occurred in Ballarat in 1854. Published in Creeve Roe: Poetry by Victor Daley, 1947.] A Ballad of Eureka Stand up, my young Australian, In the brave light of the sun, And hear how Freedom’s battle Was in … [Read more...] about A Ballad of Eureka [poem by Victor Daley]
War children as migrants [24 June 1947]
[Editor: This article illustrates the then common desire to “populate or perish”, to bring in more European migrants to fill Australia’s empty spaces, alluding to the millions of Asians to Australia’s north. Additionally, it is an example of the viewpoint that to be “Australian” … [Read more...] about War children as migrants [24 June 1947]