[Editor: This article, regarding an exploring expedition, was published in The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA), 28 July 1920.] Sheep and gold Explorer’s discoveries. Trouble with wild blacks. Chased for miles. Kalgoorlie, July 28. The importance of … [Read more...] about Sheep and gold: Explorer’s discoveries: Trouble with wild blacks: Chased for miles [28 July 1920]
conflict Aborigines vs Whites
Country post [attacks by Aborigines, Oatlands, 1 November 1828]
[Editor: These items, regarding Aborigines attacking settlers, are extracts from the “Country post” section published in The Hobart Town Courier (Hobart Town, Tas.), 1 November 1828.] Country post. Oatlands, 28th Oct. 1828. — A Coroner’s Inquest was held on the 24th … [Read more...] about Country post [attacks by Aborigines, Oatlands, 1 November 1828]
Country post [attacks by Aborigines, Pittwater, 1 November 1828]
[Editor: This article, regarding some Aborigines attacking some settlers, is an extract from the “Country post” section published in The Hobart Town Courier (Hobart Town, Tas.), 1 November 1828.] Country post. Pittwater, Oct. 27. — On Saturday last Mr. Walpole, son-in-law … [Read more...] about Country post [attacks by Aborigines, Pittwater, 1 November 1828]
To correspondents [re an attack by Aborigines, 23 March 1816]
[Editor: This article, based upon a letter from Edmond Wright, was published in The Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser (Sydney, NSW), 23 March 1816. The article seeks to clear the name of an Aboriginal man named Budbury, who was previously thought to have taken part … [Read more...] about To correspondents [re an attack by Aborigines, 23 March 1816]
[We have to regret the death of another white person] [re an attack by Aborigines, 16 March 1816]
[Editor: This untitled article was published in The Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser (Sydney, NSW), 16 March 1816. The article refers to the murder of a settler by some Aborigines, and also seeks to clear the name of an Aboriginal man named Budbury, who was … [Read more...] about [We have to regret the death of another white person] [re an attack by Aborigines, 16 March 1816]
[Unpleasant accounts] [re an attack by Aborigines, 9 March 1816]
[Editor: This article, about an attack by a group of Aborigines against some white settlers on Sunday 3 March 1816, was published in The Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser (Sydney, NSW), 9 March 1816.] [Unpleasant accounts] Unpleasant accounts are received … [Read more...] about [Unpleasant accounts] [re an attack by Aborigines, 9 March 1816]
Along the Hume Highway: Gundagai’s historical attraction: Canberra’s alluring beauties [by “Tasman”, 8 February 1936]
[Editor: This article was published in The Advocate (Devonport, Tas.), 8 February 1936.] Along the Hume Highway. Gundagai’s historical attraction. Canberra’s alluring beauties. (No. 1. — By “Tasman.”) In pursuance of its policy of placing Tasmania’s attractions … [Read more...] about Along the Hume Highway: Gundagai’s historical attraction: Canberra’s alluring beauties [by “Tasman”, 8 February 1936]
Goorianawa [song]
[Editor: This song was published in Old Bush Songs: Composed and Sung in the Bushranging, Digging, and Overlanding Days (8th edition, 1932), edited by Banjo Paterson.] Goorianawa Now I’m getting broken mouthed, My shearing’s at an end, Although they call me … [Read more...] about Goorianawa [song]
Obituary: The late Francis Cotton [23 April 1883]
[Editor: This obituary, regarding Francis Cotton (1801-1883), was published in The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.), 23 April 1883.] Obituary. The late Francis Cotton. As there were several slight inaccuracies in the first obituary notice published of the late Francis Cotton, we … [Read more...] about Obituary: The late Francis Cotton [23 April 1883]
The Creek of the Four Graves [poem by Charles Harpur]
[Editor: This poem by Charles Harpur was published in The Bushrangers; A Play in Five Acts, and Other Poems (1853).] The Creek of the Four Graves. I verse a Settler’s Tale of the old times, — One told me by our friend, the kindly sage, Old Egremont, who then went forth … [Read more...] about The Creek of the Four Graves [poem by Charles Harpur]
A Black Reckoning [poem by Kenneth Mackay]
[Editor: This poem by Kenneth Mackay was published in Stirrup Jingles from the Bush and the Turf and Other Rhymes (1887).] A Black Reckoning. “You want to know why I’ve wandered away Alone like a beaten dog?” Said the old sheep super Harrison Grey “Well, take a seat on … [Read more...] about A Black Reckoning [poem by Kenneth Mackay]
Natives [Aborigines attack settlers, 21 April 1805]
[Editor: An account of some attacks by Aborigines upon settlers in New South Wales. Published in The Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 April 1805.] Natives. With inexpressible concern we have to recount a series of barbarities lately practised by a … [Read more...] about Natives [Aborigines attack settlers, 21 April 1805]
Obituary: Mr. John Allen [“Death of a Tasmanian pioneer”, 31 December 1879]
[Editor: This obituary, regarding John Allen (1806-1879), an Australian pioneer, was published in the “Obituary” section of The Mercury (Hobart Town, Tas.), 31 December 1879.] Obituary. Mr. John Allen. — A few days ago Mr. John Allen, one of the oldest settlers in … [Read more...] about Obituary: Mr. John Allen [“Death of a Tasmanian pioneer”, 31 December 1879]
The Australian Sepoys [10 July 1858]
[Editor: An article published in Bell’s Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer, 10 July 1858.] The Australian Sepoys. — We perceive by the Darling Downs Gazette that the sable gentry are continuing their murderous and plundering career unchecked on the frontiers. They are … [Read more...] about The Australian Sepoys [10 July 1858]
In the days of the pioneers: How Charlie Cameron escaped murder at the hands of blacks [21 February 1947]
[Editor: An article regarding one man’s experiences with the Australian Aborigines. Published in The Land, 21 February 1947.] In the days of the pioneers How Charlie Cameron escaped murder at the hands of blacks (By W.R.C.) When Charlie Cameron, an uncle of the … [Read more...] about In the days of the pioneers: How Charlie Cameron escaped murder at the hands of blacks [21 February 1947]
Black against White: History of Aborigines: Address by Chief Protector [27 June 1936]
[Editor: A report on a lecture given by the Chief Protector of Aborigines, Auber Octavius Neville. Published in The West Australian (Perth, WA), 27 June 1936.] Black against White History of Aborigines. Address by Chief Protector. An interesting survey of the … [Read more...] about Black against White: History of Aborigines: Address by Chief Protector [27 June 1936]
Hopin’ [short story by E.S. Latimer, 3 March 1932]
[Editor: A short story by E.S. Latimer. Published in The Queenslander, 3 March 1932.] Hopin’ Complete story by E.S. Latimer “Hope,” said Billy Angus, “means the business of trying to convince yourself that you’ll find some way out of your difficulties when you know … [Read more...] about Hopin’ [short story by E.S. Latimer, 3 March 1932]
Trials of the pioneer: Some Aboriginal aggressions [14 January 1933]
[Editor: An article published in The Argus, 14 January 1933.] Trials of the pioneer. Some Aboriginal aggressions. By J. B. Cooper. When the first pastoralists settled at Port Phillip the aborigines of the Geelong and Portland districts were more hostile in personal … [Read more...] about Trials of the pioneer: Some Aboriginal aggressions [14 January 1933]
Up North [poem by Mary Hannay Foott, 1890]
[Editor: A poem by Mary Hannay Foott.] Up North.* Into Thy hands let me fall, O Lord — Not into the hands of men — And she thinned the ranks of the savage horde Till they shrank to the mangrove fen. In a rudderless boat, with a scanty store Of food for the fated … [Read more...] about Up North [poem by Mary Hannay Foott, 1890]