[Editor: This article, regarding Foundation Day (Australia Day), was published in The Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.), 14 February 1911. The Advance Australia was a publication of the Australian Natives’ Association.] Foundation Day. The Maryborough branch promoted a … [Read more...] about Foundation Day [14 February 1911]
Australian Natives' Association
Proposed federation of the A.N.A.: West Australian General President’s view [by Mr. A. H. O’Connor, 15 March 1909]
[Editor: This article, by Mr. A. H. O’Connor, regarding the proposed federation of the state branches of the Australian Natives’ Association, was published in The Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.), 15 March 1909.] Proposed federation of the A.N.A. West Australian … [Read more...] about Proposed federation of the A.N.A.: West Australian General President’s view [by Mr. A. H. O’Connor, 15 March 1909]
Federal board [by Mr. J. M. Chanter, re the ANA, 15 March 1909]
[Editor: This article, by Mr. J. M. Chanter, regarding the proposed federation of the state branches of the Australian Natives’ Association, was published in The Advance Australia (Melbourne, Vic.), 15 March 1909.] Federal board. By Mr. J. M. Chanter, M.H.R., ex-Chief … [Read more...] about Federal board [by Mr. J. M. Chanter, re the ANA, 15 March 1909]
Popularising Australian literature and another matter [by P. I. O’Leary, 6 April 1922]
[Editor: This article by P. I. O’Leary was published in The Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), 6 April 1922.] Popularising Australian literature and another matter. The Australian Natives’ Association was on good ground when it recommended, as it did at its recent conference, … [Read more...] about Popularising Australian literature and another matter [by P. I. O’Leary, 6 April 1922]
Australian federation: The Natives’ Conference [22 January 1890]
[Editor: This article was published in The Australian Star (Sydney), 22 January 1890.] Australian federation. The Natives’ Conference. Melbourne, Wednesday. The Australian Natives’ Conference was resumed to-day. The principal business was moving the federation … [Read more...] about Australian federation: The Natives’ Conference [22 January 1890]
Australia [Australia Day celebration, 2 February 1903]
[Editor: An article about an Anniversary Day (Australia Day) celebration on 26 January 1903. Published in The Daily Telegraph, 2 February 1903.] Australia. At the A.N.A. dinner in Melbourne on Anniversary Day Mr Deakin, on behalf of the Commonwealth, responded to the … [Read more...] about Australia [Australia Day celebration, 2 February 1903]
Australian Natives’ Association [21 April 1888]
[Editor: An article about the Australian Natives’ Association in Mount Gambier. Published in The Border Watch, 21 April 1888.] Australian Natives’ Association. On April 27 the Mount Gambier branch of the Australian Natives’ Association — the pioneer branch of South … [Read more...] about Australian Natives’ Association [21 April 1888]
The Men Who Made Australia [poem, 19 January 1914]
[Editor: A poem published in The Barrier Miner, 19 January 1914.] The Men Who Made Australia. Some branches of the A.N.A. in Victoria, having advocated the abolition of the kilt uniform of the Scottish regiments in favor of the “Australian uniform,” “Woomera,” of the … [Read more...] about The Men Who Made Australia [poem, 19 January 1914]
Australian Natives’ Association: Wattle Blossom Social [15 October 1889]
[Editor: An article about a Wattle Blossom social function, organised by members of the Australian Natives’ Association. Published in The Advertiser, 15 October 1889.] Australian Natives’ Association. Wattle Blossom Social. A Wattle Blossom Social, in connection with … [Read more...] about Australian Natives’ Association: Wattle Blossom Social [15 October 1889]