[Editor: This advertisement, for the Sydney and Suburban Reform League, was published in The Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW), 25 February 1900.]
The Sydney and Suburban Reform League.
1. Advocates Justice for the Workers.
2. Denounces the Sweating System.
3. Is Opposed to Monopoly in Every Form.
4. Panders to No Section of the Community.
5. Desires Freedom for the Citizens.
6. Demands Equal Rights for All.
7. Champions Industry Incessantly.
8. Seeks to Repeal Ridiculous Laws.
9. Voices the Cause of the Voteless equally with that of the Voters.
The Right to Earn.
The Liberty to Spend.
The Freedom to Progress.
The Sanctity of Free Citizenship.
’Tis the mud that coheres, but the sand is free; aye, every grain is free,
And the Freedom of individual man the highest of Liberty.
Intending members please communicate with the Secretary, 527 George-street, Sydney.
The Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW), 25 February 1900, p. 1
Also published in:
Truth (Sydney, NSW), 25 February 1900, p. 2
Editor’s notes:
’tis = (archaic) a contraction of “it is”
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