[Editor: This untitled article, regarding a woman stealing from a cemetery, was published in The Advocate (Melbourne, Vic.), 28 April 1877.] [Flora Gleeson] Flora Gleeson was on Wednesday brought up on remand, charged with stealing two flower stands and a marble slab from … [Read more...] about Flora Gleeson [court report, 28 April 1877]
County Court [court report, 21 April 1877]
[Editor: This article was published in The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic.), 21 April 1877.] County Court. In the County Court yesterday, John Miller and Annie Miller (his wife) sued Stephen F. Croxton for £49 damages, for having assaulted Mrs. Miller by attempting to steal … [Read more...] about County Court [court report, 21 April 1877]
Police courts [court reports, 19 April 1877]
[Editor: This column of court reports, written in a somewhat humorous style, was published in The Herald (Melbourne, Vic.), 19 April 1877.] Police courts. City. (Before His Worship the Mayor, and a Bench of Magistrates.) The Nesbitts again. The conjugal bliss of … [Read more...] about Police courts [court reports, 19 April 1877]
General news [17 April 1877]
[Editor: These items are extracts from the “General news” section, published in The Express & Telegraph (Adelaide, SA), 17 April 1877.] General news. Charles Colbey and Louis Mehrtens were charged at the Adelaide Police Court on Tuesday with assaulting George Alfred … [Read more...] about General news [17 April 1877]
The Bad Boy [poem regarding Henry Parkes, 12 May 1877]
[Editor: This poem, critical of Henry Parkes (Premier of NSW), was published in Sydney Punch (Sydney, NSW), 12 May 1877.] The Bad Boy. (Vide Cartoon.) Young ’Enery was a naughty boy: It would be hard to find Another boy of ’Enery’s years With such an evil … [Read more...] about The Bad Boy [poem regarding Henry Parkes, 12 May 1877]
A rod in pickle [political cartoon regarding Henry Parkes, 12 May 1877]
[Editor: This cartoon, critical of Henry Parkes (Premier of NSW), was published in Sydney Punch (Sydney, NSW), 12 May 1877.] A rod in pickle. A ROD IN PICKLE. Dame N. S. Wales to H—y P—k—s: Now, Henry, have you learnt that Electoral Act lesson yet? Remember, you … [Read more...] about A rod in pickle [political cartoon regarding Henry Parkes, 12 May 1877]
A Western Australian Grace Darling [letter to the editor, 31 January 1877]
[Editor: This letter to the editor, from H. C. Barnett, about a Western Australian heroine, was published in the “Our Open Column” section of the The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA), 31 January 1877.] A Western Australian Grace Darling. To the Editor of the … [Read more...] about A Western Australian Grace Darling [letter to the editor, 31 January 1877]
The Wallaby Track [poem, 22 June 1877]
[Editor: A poem published in Portland Guardian, 22 June 1877.] The Wallaby Track. My old cowhide boots they are shabby and worn, My trousers are ragged, my jumper is torn, My billycock hat is an object forlorn, My hair is unkempt, and my beard is unshorn. And why is … [Read more...] about The Wallaby Track [poem, 22 June 1877]