[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur, published in The Sydney Monitor, 26 September 1835.] Melody. By C. Harpur. Australia, how ’rapt can I wend by thy fountains, Or view thy wild champaigns spread far on my sight, And rise in my love, as I rise on thy mountains Where … [Read more...] about Melody [poem by Charles Harpur, 26 September 1835]
To the Harp of Australia [poem by Charles Harpur, 19 September 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] To the Harp of Australia By C. Harpur. Wild Harp of Australia ! — will none ravish thee From the dark trackless forest the hand unrefin’d, Yea — the savage no more thy sole master shall be, No longer thy lay be but wrote on the … [Read more...] about To the Harp of Australia [poem by Charles Harpur, 19 September 1835]
Memory’s Genesis [poem by Charles Harpur, 10 July 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] Memory’s Genesis. By C. Harper. Few men methinks can look behind, Upon their spring-time of the past, And when compared with it not find, The present but a dreary waste ; And not bewail as Adam might, The Eden he had … [Read more...] about Memory’s Genesis [poem by Charles Harpur, 10 July 1835]
Love’s Memories [poem by Charles Harpur, 12 June 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] Love’s Memories. (By C. Harpur.) I. You tell me, she yet talks of me, And vainly would forget, The features of those days, in which We parted and we met. You tell me she most haunts that grove, Where once with me she … [Read more...] about Love’s Memories [poem by Charles Harpur, 12 June 1835]
To Imagination [poem by Charles Harpur, 9 June 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] To Imagination Enchanting power! whose rich effulgent ray Divine ! (of unfeign’d magic only sphere,) Doth add a fuel to the blaze of day, Burnish the glories of the rolling year ; And fallen nature make, us e’re she fell, appear, … [Read more...] about To Imagination [poem by Charles Harpur, 9 June 1835]
The Broken Heart’s Carouse [poem by Charles Harpur, 2 June 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] The Broken Heart’s Carouse. I. Come Alan I will fill the bowl, And thou shall sing that song of mine ; Which dates the storm that wreck’d my soul, And fits me for the fiery wine. Yea, often may I lift it up — Keen misery hath … [Read more...] about The Broken Heart’s Carouse [poem by Charles Harpur, 2 June 1835]
The Minstrel’s Last Lay [poem by Charles Harpur, 23 May 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] The Minstrel’s Last Lay. I. Yet once again my broken lyre, I strike thy one remaining string ; But not with aught of minstrel fire, Fan’d high by fancy’s wing, That did with all of hope expire ; Or ‘neath contumely’s … [Read more...] about The Minstrel’s Last Lay [poem by Charles Harpur, 23 May 1835]
The Hectic To Her Nurse [poem by Charles Harpur, 22 May 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] The Hectic To Her Nurse. And is it true that he hath ta’en Another to that breast ? On which so late, my cheek hath lain, My trusting heart hath prest ! Was it because my native vale And parents arms for him I left? — or that my … [Read more...] about The Hectic To Her Nurse [poem by Charles Harpur, 22 May 1835]
Verses Occasioned by the Death of a Child of the Measles [poem by Charles Harpur, 12 May 1835]
[Editor: A poem by Charles Harpur.] Verses Occasioned by the Death of a Child of the Measles. And art thou gone ? so early gone ? But yesterday and thou wer’t fresh, As is the breeze the mountains on, Or verdure by the fountain’s gush; A day is past and thou art … [Read more...] about Verses Occasioned by the Death of a Child of the Measles [poem by Charles Harpur, 12 May 1835]
Australian Hymn [song by the Rev. John Dunmore Lang, 1826 (republished 1835)]
[Editor: Written by John Dunmore Lang, this was published in the The Colonist (4 June 1835). Previously published in Lang’s book, Aurora Australis; or Specimens of Sacred Poetry, for the Colonists of Australia (1826) under the title “Australian Hymn: For the Native Youth of the … [Read more...] about Australian Hymn [song by the Rev. John Dunmore Lang, 1826 (republished 1835)]