Michael Massey Robinson was born in 1744 in England. He worked as a lawyer, but was convicted of blackmail, as he had allegedly threatened to publish a poem he had written about a London alderman who had been accused in the past of a murder. Robinson was sentenced to … [Read more...] about Michael Massey Robinson
Michael Massey Robinson
Anniversary meeting [including a song by Michael Massey Robinson, 3 February 1825]
[Editor: A report on a celebratory dinner (held on Wednesday 26 January 1825) to commemorate the founding of the colony of New South Wales. Includes the list of toasts, and a song by Michael Massey Robinson. Published in The Australian, 3 February 1825. The song was also … [Read more...] about Anniversary meeting [including a song by Michael Massey Robinson, 3 February 1825]
Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1819 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 23 January 1819]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 23 January 1819.] Ode For The Queen’s Birth-Day, 1819. By Mr. Michael Robinson. THE Muses, rear’d in rural Bow’rs, From Nature cull’d her fairest … [Read more...] about Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1819 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 23 January 1819]
Ode for His Majesty’s Birth-Day, 1818 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 6 June 1818]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 6 June 1818.] Ode For His Majesty’s Birth-Day, 1818. By Mr. Michael Robinson. SUSPEND the Harp! be mute the Lyre That thrill’d with glowing Fancy’s … [Read more...] about Ode for His Majesty’s Birth-Day, 1818 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 6 June 1818]
Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1818 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 24 January 1818]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 24 January 1818.] Ode For The Queen’s Birth-Day, 1818. By Mr. Michael Robinson. FANCY! let thy magic Wand Wave — as erst on classic Land; What Time the … [Read more...] about Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1818 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 24 January 1818]
Ode for His Majesty’s Birth Day, 1816 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 8 June 1816]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 8 June 1816.] Ode For His Majesty’s Birth Day, 1816. By Mr. Michael Robinson. ON the tall Cliffs that guard that Isle Where Freedom shed her earliest … [Read more...] about Ode for His Majesty’s Birth Day, 1816 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 8 June 1816]
Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1815 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 21 January 1815]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 21 January 1815.] Ode For The Queen’s Birth-Day, 1815. By Mr. M. Robinson. MONARCHS, to whom approving Heav’n The Sceptre’s sacred Charge has … [Read more...] about Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1815 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 21 January 1815]
Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1814 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 22 January 1814]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 22 January 1814.] Ode For The Queen’s Birth-Day, 1814. By Mr. M. Robinson. IN Early GREECE, when War no more, With Aspect wild, deform’d her Shore; Nor … [Read more...] about Ode for the Queen’s Birth-Day, 1814 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 22 January 1814]
Ode for His Majesty’s Birth-Day, 1812 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 6 June 1812]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 6 June 1812.] Ode for His Majesty’s Birth-Day, 1812. By Michael Robinson, Esq. WAKE the Lyre to Themes of GLORY, Such as BARDS, in Classic Story, Whilom … [Read more...] about Ode for His Majesty’s Birth-Day, 1812 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 6 June 1812]
Ode for the Queen’s Birth Day, 1811 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 19 January 1811]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 19 January 1811.] Ode For the Queen’s Birth Day, 1811. By Mr. M. Robinson. OH, ALBION! if against thy Shores The angry War-Whoop wildly roars; If Discord,by … [Read more...] about Ode for the Queen’s Birth Day, 1811 [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 19 January 1811]
Ode for His Majesty’s Birth Day [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 9 June 1810]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson, published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 9 June 1810.] Ode For His Majesty’s Birth Day. [By Mr. Robinson.] THO’ far from ALBION’S hallow’d Coast, OCEAN’S first Pride, and NATURE’S Boast: Whose Fame … [Read more...] about Ode for His Majesty’s Birth Day [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 9 June 1810]
Ode For His Majesty’s Birth-Day [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 18 August 1821]
[Editor: A poem by Michael Massey Robinson. Published in the Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser, 18 August 1821.] Ode For His Majesty’s Birth-Day. By Mr. Robinson. Whilst Grecian Legends proudly claim The Triumph of their HOMER’S Name, And MANTUA’S … [Read more...] about Ode For His Majesty’s Birth-Day [poem by Michael Massey Robinson, 18 August 1821]
Song, for the Commemoration Dinner, January 26, 1820 [song by Michael Massey Robinson, 5 February 1820]
[Editor: A song, by Michael Massey Robinson, written for the anniversary of the founding of the colony of New South Wales. Published in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 5 February 1820.] [Song, for the Commemoration Dinner, January 26, 1820] We regret, … [Read more...] about Song, for the Commemoration Dinner, January 26, 1820 [song by Michael Massey Robinson, 5 February 1820]