“Kookaburra” is a children’s song, written by Marion Sinclair (1896-1988) in 1932, and was first publicly performed at a World Jamboree of Girl Guides in Frankston (Victoria) in 1934. This song is part of Australia’s folk music tradition.
Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
Appu – Kookaburra
MySingAlongSong – Kookaburra
Kellie McQueen – Kookaburra
Raymond Crooke – The Kookaburra Song
Dany Rosevear – Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
Lazy Harry – Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
The Mudcakes – Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree
Additional resources
“Kookaburra”, Wikipedia
Marion Sinclair, “Kookaburra”, Kididdles
Constance Arter says
Hello, I am writing a blog about Australia titled “A Sistah in Oz” (https://sistainoz.blogspot.com/). I am currently working on a story about the Kookaburra. I am writing to ask permission to use the song posted on your site in my post song posted on your site in my post titled, The Ultimate Australian Songbook, which highlights the Kookaburra song. Please let me know if I can add the link to my site. Of course, I will provide a reference to your site location. (https://www.australianculture.org/kookaburra-marion-sinclair/
Thank you!