[Editor: This book by Kenneth Mackay was published in 1895. The novel, which includes a military invasion of Australia by Chinese troops (orchestrated by Russia), is set in a time when there were concerns over Russian military intentions towards Britain and the British Empire (including Australia).]

The Yellow Wave
A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia
Kenneth Mackay
Member of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales
Author of ‘Out Back,’ ‘Stirrup Jingles,’ etc.
Book I.
A cloud no bigger than a man’s hand.
I. Philip Orloff
II. In the toils
III. A glance that marred a life
IV. Orloff breaks the spell for ever
Book II.
The gathering of the storm.
I. Dick Hatten
II. Waiting for news
III. The smoking-room of the Midas
IV. The day before the national
V. In the palace garden
VI. On the road
VII. In the paddock
VIII. The grand national steeplechase
IX. The protest is decided
X. A peep behind the curtain
XI. On board the ‘Barcoo’
XII. Lady Baggs gives a dinner
XIII. Queensland in 1954
XIV. A dinner-party at the Mitylene Palace
Book III.
The lull before the hurricane.
I. Isis Downs station
II. A well-nigh extinct specimen
III. Under the wistaria
IV. Hatten speaks out
V. Under the flame trees
VI. Professor Heinrich Jansen
VII. Fort Mallarraway
VIII. The horse-muster
Book IV.
The wave breaks.
I. A stormy petrel
II. The coming of the Mongols
III. Count Zenski welcomes General Leroy
IV. Count Zenski and Philip Orloff
V. The news is carried south
VI. A close shave
VII. ‘Hatten’s ringers’
VIII. The escape
IX. The sacking of Hughenden
X. The council of war
XI. A sacrifice on the altar of ambition
XII. The defence of Longreach
XIII. The siege of Fort Mallarraway
XIV. The storming of the fort
XV. ‘Who are you, Philip?’
XVI. The call to arms
XVII. Count Zenski again warns Philip Orloff
XVIII. At the outposts
XIX. The battle
XX. Sauve qui peut!
XXI. Commissioner Wang gets a left-hander
XXII. An alternative
XXIII. On board the ‘Hi Lung’
XXIV. In the depths of the sea
Richard Bentley and Son
Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen
[All rights reserved]
Inscribed to my friend, the late George Ranken, formerly Commissioner of Crown Lands in Queensland; Member of New South Wales Royal Commission on the Lands Department of 1878, and of the Commission of Inquiry into Public Lands, 1883.
Kenneth Mackay, The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia, London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1895
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