[Editor: A song written about newly-arrived immigrants to Australia. Published in The Capricornian, 19 September 1885.]
The Song of the New-Chum.
Oh the wide rolling downs of Australia
The beautiful land of the South,
Where the sun shines with brightest effulgence
Far away from the home of my youth.
Where the silver-green brigalow waveth
Its leaves o’er forest and plain,
And the gum-tree its foliage sheweth
On many a high mountain chain.
Young Queensland has hope for the willing
For the honest, industrious, and wise,
And if they press steadily forward —
Perseverance will soon make them rise.
To the Craven she gives little favour
No wealth has she for the sob,
But the brave has reward for his labour
And success will brighten his lot.
Then fear not my brethren and comrades
Tho’ England may far away seem,
Old relations in thought are still with us
And we meet them wherever we dream.
Australia has taken her station
Her greatness no man can forsee,
But may Providence shower its blessings
On you, my children and me.
The Capricornian (Rockhampton, Qld.), 19 September 1885, p. 8
Also published in:
The Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld.), 23 September 1885, p. 3
Editor’s notes:
brigalow = several species of wattle trees (especially Acacia harpophylla), predominantly located in eastern Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales
effulgence = brilliance, brilliant radiance, shining brightly (may also refer to a person’s demeanor, especially someone’s expression radiating happiness or virtuousness)
forsee = an alternative spelling of “foresee” (anticipate, predict, see in advance, see beforehand)
new chum = a newly-arrived immigrant, especially a British immigrant
Old spelling in the original text:
sheweth (show)
waveth (wave)
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