[Editor: An extract from the article “Scraps from the Victoria mines”, regarding a protest meeting in Bendigo over the miner’s licence in Victoria, 1853. Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 December 1853.]
Scraps from the Victoria mines.
(From our own Correspondent.)
Bendigo, November 30.
The head-strongly foolish policy of the Government of Victoria has caused a reaction against their new measure in reference to the license tax. The manner in which the Government has smuggled the new bill through the House has caused the greatest indignation among the mining classes, and the ruling powers have now managed to make opponents of the store-keeping class, who, joining with the dissatisfied diggers, will make a pretty bold stand against the Government. The following bill, extensively posted throughout the Bendigo, shews plainly what we are to expect:—
The Squatter council and the Diggers. Monster Meeting. Diggers, — Strike work by 12 o’clock at noon on Saturday next. “Taxation without Representation is Robbery.” To the Storekeepers and Diggers of the Bendigo. Gentlemen, — A great Public Meeting will be held on the hill behind the Digger’s Advocate Office, Golden Square, on Saturday next, December 3, at 2 o’clock, p.m., to make a determined stand and solemn protest against the enactment of the proposed new Bill for the better management of the Gold Fields. There is no time to be lost — the Squatters must be defeated, and therefore let every Digger and Storekeeper turn out to the Meeting, and come to an unalterable determination to resist, by all legal means, the attempted invasion of our social and political liberties. Let fires be lighted all over Bendigo, on Friday evening, to give warning to every soul to be present at the meeting. By order of the Bendigo Provisional Committee.
The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), Monday 12 December 1853, page 4
Editor’s notes:
Old spelling in the original text:
shews (shows)
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