[Editor: This obituary, regarding the Reverend Frederick Augustus Darling (1864-1930), was published in The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 22 May 1930.]
Rev. F. A. Darling.
Death announced.
The Rev. Frederick Augustus Darling, a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church, died at his home, Kirston, Russell-avenue, Lindfield, last night at the age of 65 years. Mr. Darling established several boys’ colleges in Victoria and New South Wales, and took an intense interest in the Welfare of Youth department.
Born at the Manse, South Melbourne, on June 20, 1864, Mr. Darling was the son of the Rev. Hugh Darling. After his father’s death the family went to Scotland, where Mr. Darling entered the George Watson College, Edinburgh. Returning to Victoria in 1881 he entered Ormond College, Melbourne, where he graduated in theology. After his ordination by the Presbytery of Melbourne South in 1889, he laboured at Surry Hills, Box Hill, and Canterbury (Vic.). At these centres the congregations were organised and churches were built. He also established a boys’ college at Surry Hills (Melbourne), of which he was the principal. On coming to New South Wales he was actively engaged in the Welfare of Youth department. For some time he was a director of the department, including the hostels in New South Wales. He was appointed by the general assembly as its representative to the Sunday School Convention in Japan about nine years ago.
Shortly after his arrival in New South Wales Mr. Darling established a boys’ college at Tamworth, and later he opened a second college at Inverell. He was then called to Bexley-Rockdale, where he laboured for more than 12 years. During that period the church at Rockdale was built. After his resignation Mr. Darling had served the church in other capacities, particularly in regard to the Welfare of Youth department. During the year of office of the Moderator-General (the Rev. G. R. S. Reid) he carried on the work at Roseville. Mr. T. J. Darling, architect, of Spring-street, city, is a brother, and Miss M. J. Darling and Mrs. J. A. Malcomson sisters.
The funeral will take place in the Northern Suburbs Cemetery to-morrow.
The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, NSW), 22 May 1930, p. 12 (Late Edition)
Also published in:
The Inverell Times (Inverell, NSW), 23 May 1930, p. 4
Editor’s notes:
Rev. = an abbreviation of “Reverend” (a title given to a minister of a church, a priest, a member of the clergy)
Vic. = an abbreviation of Victoria (a colony in Australia from 1851, then a state in 1901)
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