[Editor: This obituary for P. I. O’Leary was published in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 22 July 1944.]
Mr P. I. O’Leary
Mr Patrick Ignatius O’Leary, 56, a well-known Catholic journalist, died yesterday after a short illness.
At different times he was on the staffs of the Barrier Miner, Broken Hill; Advertiser, Adelaide, and Midnight Sun, Melbourne, and a frequent contributor to Lone Hand and Triad. For the last 25 years he had been literary critic and special writer for the Advocate, Melbourne, and was held in high regard by the Catholic hierarchy and clergy.
In his early years Mr O’Leary was a Labour organiser in South Australia. He was connected with the Pioneer Players, founded by Lewis Esson; was a member of the Bread and Cheese Club, and was secretary of the Irish Self-determination League.
Requiem Mass will be celebrated in the Church of St Ambrose, Brunswick, this morning.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 22 July 1944, p. 3
[Editor: The original text has been separated into paragraphs.]
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