[Editor: This article about Eva Oakley is an extract from “The life of Melbourne” column, published in The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 12 November 1949.]
[Mrs Eva Oakley]
Mrs Eva Oakley, whose five little books for children have brought useful contributions to many Victorian charities and to the Red Cross, has received word that Queen Elizabeth has accepted a copy of Sacred Poems; Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh, Fairy Poems; and the Duchess of Gloucester, for Prince William’s delectation, Real Australian Fairy Stories.
Mrs Oakley started to write children’s poems and tales for her grandson, who was in the Austin Hospital for three years. Another venture of Mrs Oakley’s which has helped children is her cooking primer, the recipes of which are within the scope of youthful cooks. Her sixth book is ready for publication.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 12 November 1949, p. 10 (see last section re. Eva Oakley)
Editor’s notes:
delectation = delight, enjoyment, pleasure
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