[Editor: A report from General Douglas MacArthur, who held the position of Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area, overseeing US, Australian, and other Allied forces.]
MacArthur’s report
The communique today says: —
NEW IRELAND— Kavieng Area:
Our night reconnaissance units scored two direct hits on an enemy cruiser, causing heavy explosions, and fire below decks.
Vitu Islands: Our heavy reconnaissance units after dusk attacked and probably damaged an enemy light cruiser north-east of Garove Island, and during the day bombed installations on the islands.
NEW GUINEA— Wewak: One of our heavy reconnaissance units bombed and set on fire a small enemy cargo ship off Wokeo Island. One of our fighter patrols shot down an enemy reconnaissance plane.
Bogadjim: Our fighters dive-bombed and strafed along the enemy’s line of communication.
Sio: Our attack planes bombed and strafed the enemy barge base and bivouac base at Kiari. Our light naval units sank three enemy barges off the coast of Sialun.
Sattelberg: Our ground troops have captured Sattelberg and cleared adjacent areas of enemy opposition. We are in occupation from Sattelberg to the villages of Mararuo, Masongkoo, Palenko, and Fior.
The enemy’s losses were severe, and much military equipment, including field guns, was captured. His forces are retreating north along the Wareo trail.
In this gallant attack, most difficult operational conditions, due to the mountainous jungle terrain, were encountered, and overcome.
SOLOMONS (Bougainville) — Buka — Our heavy units at midday raided Buka and Bonis Aerodromes, and Chabai, with 63 tons of bombs, starting fires. One of our fighter patrols set fire to a schooner in Queen Carola Harbor.
Matchin Bay: Our escorted torpedo and dive-bombers attacked enemy supply installations, with 66 tons of bombs, causing explosions and fires at Chaba, Tarlena, Porton, Tsirogei. and Soraken. Intense anti-aircraft fire encountered initially was largely silenced by our attack.
Empress Augusta Bay: Our medium units and fighters attacked ground installations at Mutupina Point and Gazelle Harbor, and sank nine barges. Our light naval units bombed enemy installations at Matine Island. Enemy planes at night dropped several bombs harmlessly over the Laruna River mouth.
Buin-Faisi: Our medium units bombed Kahili Aerodrome with 30 tons of explosives, and strafed the area from minimum altitude. Numerous hits were scored on the runway and fires started. One plane was shot down. One of our torpedo bombers attacked Kara Airfield, causing fires.
Amboina (Ambon): Our heavy units bombed the seaplane base at Halong.
The Mail (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 27 November 1943, page 2
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