[Editor: This article, regarding the annual harvest festival held by the Methodist Church in Goulburn (NSW), was published in the Goulburn Evening Penny Post (Goulburn, NSW), 16 March 1915.]
Harvest festival.
The members and friends of the Lagoon-street Methodist Church celebrated their annual harvest festival with three special services on Sunday last.
Seeing the splendid display of fruit and vegetables contributed by the various friends and well-wishers of the cause, no one would credit that we are in the throes of a drought.
A large platform, filling the whole front of the rostrum and arranged in five shelves, was filled by a magnificent collection of fruits, and on the side of the church, and blocking the doorway of the school, was an excellent collection of vegetables. The whole church was nicely decorated, and festoons and arches were erected from which were suspended various bunches of black and white grapes and other fruits, while sheaves of corn at various points of vantage made one think of the harvest home all over the land.
The choir was under the skilled care of Mr. R. Walker, while Miss E. Kadwell proved proficient at the organ. Harvest hymns and anthems were sung, and an orchestra of seven violins gave material assistance.
The morning and afternoon services were conducted by Rev. L. Hurd and the evening by Rev. J. J. Boyd, of Mullumbimby. The discourses throughout were helpful and appropriate, and the congregations were inspiriting and encouraging to the promoters.
The proceeds of the services, with those of the sale of goods, go to the church funds.
Goulburn Evening Penny Post (Goulburn, NSW), 16 March 1915, p. 4
[Editor: The original text has been separated into paragraphs.]
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