[Editor: This Gold License was issued to John White, in Victoria, on 28 February 1853.]

Gold License.
No. 128 28th February 1853.
The Bearer John White
having paid to me the Sum of One Pound Ten Shillings, on account of the Territorial Revenue, I hereby License him to dig, search for, and remove Gold, on and from any such Crown Lands within the Upper Lod. Dist
as I shall assign to him for that purpose during the Month of March 1853, not within half-a-mile of any Head Station.
This License is not transferable, and to be produced whenever demanded by me or any other person acting under the authority of the Government, and to be returned when another License is issued.
A.S. Blake Commissioner.
1. Every licensed person must always have his License with him ready to be produced whenever demanded by a Commissioner, or Person acting under instructions, otherwise he is liable to be proceeded against as an unlicensed Person.
2. Every person digging for Gold, or occupying Land, without a License, is liable by Law to be fined, for a first offence, not exceeding £5; for a second offence, not exceeding £15; and for subsequent offence, not exceeding £30.
3. Digging for Gold is not allowed within Ten feet of the edge of any Public Road, nor are the Roads to be undermined.
4. Tents or Buildings are not to be erected within Twenty feet of each other, or within Twenty feet of any Creek.
5. It is enjoined that all Persons at the Gold Fields maintain and assist in maintaining a due and proper observance of Sundays.
Printed by John Ferres, at the Government Printing Office.
Victoria. Gold License: 1853, State Library of Victoria
Editor’s notes:
Handwritten text has been rendered in italics.
The printer’s details were printed on the left side of the Gold License.
Dist = an abbreviation of “District” (also rendered as “Dist.”)
Head Station = the principal homestead and main business centre of a pastoral property, including the associated buildings
Lod. = an abbreviation of “Loddon” [see: Loddon]
Loddon = the Loddon River (Victoria); the area around the Loddon River (Victoria); the Loddon District (Victoria); the Loddon Shire (Victoria); the Loddon Valley (Victoria)
See: 1) “Loddon River: river, Australia”, Encyclopaedia Britannica
2) “Loddon River”, Wikipedia
3) “Shire of Loddon”, Wikipedia
4) “About the Loddon Valley”, Bendigo Region
station = a large rural holding used for raising livestock, usually sheep or cattle (a pastoral property); can also refer to the principal homestead and main business centre of a pastoral property
See: “Station (Australian agriculture)”, Wikipedia
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