[Editor: This poem by “Dryblower” Murphy was published in Dryblower’s Verses (1926).]
I have tried to obtain the best and most comprehensive selection of my verses written during the past 30 years. In doing so I have closely consulted scores of those who say they have read me from the time I began to write in W.A.
To the “Sunday Times” I am deeply indebted for the free hand allowed me at all times in selecting my subjects.
To Mrs. Theodore Pelloe are due my warmest thanks for the time and patience expended in collecting, copying, typing, revising and assembling the various verses now in this volume. Without her help it would probably have never attained fruition.
To my readers I owe the sincerest gratitude for their appreciation of my work. Lacking such stimulus no writer can possibly do his best.
Cordially yours,
“Dryblower” Murphy.
Edwin Greenslade Murphy, Dryblower’s Verses, Perth, W.A.: E. G. Murphy, 1926
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