[Editor: This book of poems by “Dryblower” Murphy was published in 1926.]
Dryblower’s Verses.
Aliens, The
“Ave Maria”
Blind, The
Bricks of Beer
Christmas Camp
Confession, The
Cooking and Patching Their Dungaree Pants
Devout Lover, The
Doctor’s Story, The
Dossin’ Outer Doors
Fighting in France
Gimme the Ground
His Quest
In the Sand
’Is ’Arp
It Appears
Leah Fouracre
List to Port, A
Lodes that Under-lie
Look at his Left Lapel
Mill Point
Mrs. Flannagan’s Frock
My Love
My Son
Nickin’ In
On Nights Like These
Out Back
Pints that I’ve Refused
Rhymes our Hearts Can Read, The
Saddest and the Gladdest
Shicker. I s’pose
Smiths, The
Some Girls Ago
Sport, The
Storm, The
Teach ’em to Shoot
Tell us, Little Toad
“Thy Will be Done”
Week Away, A
What Next?
Why Can’t the Kids be Always Young?
Wot’s Yours?
Wot Won the Larst?
Registered by the Postmaster-General for transmission through the post as a book.
Dryblower’s Verses
(Strictly Copyright.)
The reprinting or publication of any of these poems is strictly prohibited, the penalty being prosecution, the exception being selections used by newspapers and magazines in review or criticism.
Permission to perform any number in this book by reading, recitation, singing or monologue in or at concert hall, music hall or theatre, must be obtained from the author, Edwin Greenslade Murphy, Perth, Western Australia, or his accredited agents.
Wholly set up and printed in Australia by Van Heurck and Thomas Ltd., printers, 757A Hay Street, Perth.
Edwin Greenslade Murphy, Dryblower’s Verses, Perth, W.A.: E. G. Murphy, 1926
Editor’s notes:
The front cover of the book includes the dates “1894-1926”, in addition to the title Dryblower’s Verses.
Added the “Foreward” and the poem “Beyond” to the contents list (placed in square brackets, as these two items were not included in the original contents list).
[Editor: Corrected “Alway Young” to “Always Young?”.]
The Australian Copyright Agency has advised me, some several years back, that they could see no problem using Dryblower’s published poems in a book I am compiling as he died prior to 1955, the cut-off date of 50 years since death when Australia entered a trade agreement with USA in 2005. The cut-off date will be maintained until 2025 when Australia comes into line with the USA 70 years after the death of the author. After that, the copyright cutoff date will progress as years pass, maintaining 70 years