[Editor: Some poetry from the “In memoriam” section of The Advertiser (Adelaide), 7 October 1910.]
BOWDEN. — In sad and loving memory of our dear Lionel Hamilton, eldest son of J. R. and S. Bowden, who died October 7, 1907, Halifax-street, aged 5 years 4 months.
In thought he is ever with us,
His voice we long to hear;
No one knows how much we miss him,
Our boy we loved so dear.
Absent awhile, our treasured love,
Gained for ever, safe above.
— Inserted by sorrowing parents.
WILLIAMS. — In loving memory of my dear husband and father, Thomas Williams, who died at the Adelaide Hospital, October 7, 1909, aged 71 years and 6 weeks.
One year has passed, dear husband.
Your face we cannot see;
But let this little token tell
We still remember thee.
A painful shock, a dreadful blow.
Oh, father dear, we miss you so;
Our loss is great, we’ll not complain.
But trust in God to meet again.
Rest, dearest husband, sweetly rest.
We miss you most who loved you best
— Inserted by his sorrowing wife and family.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Friday 7 October 1910, page 10
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