[Editor: These extracts, concerning crimes and court cases, were taken from the general news section of The Benalla Standard (Benalla, Vic.), 25 June 1901.]
[Crimes and court cases]
Police Court. — At the Benalla Police Court yesterday, before Mr Blackburne, J.P., F. C. Williams was charged, on the information of D. H. Roe, with wilful damage to property. The evidence showed that Williams, with some other men, had been employed by the complainant at his farm. On Sunday Mr Roe visited the farm and complained that sufficient work had not been done, and told the men to go. After this Williams took an axe and chopped up a new shovel which had been given him to work with. Mr Roe then sent for the police and gave Williams in charge. In defence Williams said he thought the shovel was his, as he considered he had worked for it, and it was not worth while carrying it away. He was fined 1s, and ordered to pay 3s 6d damages, in default 24 hours’ imprisonment, and 7s 6d costs.
The recent assault case at Wangaratta. — Since the hearing of the assault case, in which a returned soldier, Fred. Knox, was charged with carnally knowing a girl under the age of 16 years, we understand that the accused has married the girl. The wedding ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. H. Angus last Wednesday evening.
Burglary. —The Royal Mail hotel, Numurkah, of which Mr Walter Abbott (formerly of Benalla) is the licensee, was burglariously entered on the night of the 16th inst., and 10s. in silver and a pocket knife was taken out of the pocket of Thomas Campbell while he was asleep in his bedroom. The thief is supposed to have entered through the bedroom window.
The Benalla Standard (Benalla, Vic.), 25 June 1901, p. 2
Editor’s notes:
Fred. = an abbreviation of Frederick
inst. = instant; in this month; a shortened form of the Latin phrase “instante mense”, meaning “this month”; pertaining to, or occurring in, the current month
J.P. = Justice of the Peace
[Editor: Changed “his bedrrom” to “his bedroom”.]
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