[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Idiot Sad are the eyes of her who sits apart With her dead babe; but sadder still is she Who lays her idiot child upon her knee; Its every pulsebeat … [Read more...] about The Idiot [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Transmigration [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Transmigration Ah, love, you cannot pass and leave me lone: We have been always mates along life’s shores, Twin stems upspringing gladly from twin cores, Twin … [Read more...] about Transmigration [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Eve — II [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Eve. — II. “How shall I then be sad, though I have curst These creatures to be born of Adam’s bone And flesh, and mine? They shall bewail and groan, Rebel, … [Read more...] about Eve — II [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Eve — I [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Eve. — I. Those Oriental eyes what mirrored they Of soul new jeopardized — its horoscope Foreshowing ours? What other world did ope, Unto the soul sent forth in … [Read more...] about Eve — I [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Melodists [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Melodists Ere Tubal Cain, the Hand that shook the void To form and life, set on the mountain high The grasses for the nest, and in the sky Flung far apart, … [Read more...] about The Melodists [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Prophet [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Prophet To him the walls of sense are gossamer; Behind them shapes and tones are heard and seen — Dim known but real; until at last the screen, With many a … [Read more...] about The Prophet [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Intuition [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Intuition Is she remembrance, and the lesson saved From incidents forgot? She makes a fool Of every pedagogue that thumbs the rule; Hers is the message of the … [Read more...] about Intuition [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Experience [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Experience Passion across his youth no storm had sent; Nor Pain’s rough hand from him a cry compelled; Calm had his life in grievous bondage held, Till his poor … [Read more...] about Experience [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Limit [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] II The Limit Time took each lonely Self and sent a thrill Along his heart for his affinity, So came the home and hearth, until there be The wider kinship — … [Read more...] about The Limit [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Love’s Exclusiveness [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] I Love’s Exclusiveness Oh, little heart, the honey in thy cells Is all for one; the house is far too small To banquet more than her: ’tis not for all. In … [Read more...] about Love’s Exclusiveness [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Gem [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Gem How many years have passed since from the gloom Some avaricious hand your beauty bore? Since cunning Art allured your glowing core To flame its glory in … [Read more...] about The Gem [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Catastrophe [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Catastrophe When Chaos died she left behind a child To harass Order, from whose hands she breaks Anon, and runs with storms and grim earthquakes; An imp of Doom … [Read more...] about Catastrophe [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Hagar — II [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Hagar. — II. When most she mourned, the angel and the well Gave instant help and promise of reward, The spurned handmaiden, blest and overawed, Caught in her … [Read more...] about Hagar — II [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Hagar. — I. [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Hagar. — I. Was ever mortal woe more great than lay In Hagar’s eyes as she beheld her son Prone on the scorching sand, and succour none, — No dot of green in all … [Read more...] about Hagar. — I. [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Judas [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Judas Most sad of spirits in the land of ghosts His soul the unquiet memories ever toss, Whip him with iterations of his loss, And urge him restless to the … [Read more...] about Judas [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Explorer [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Explorer From home and fireside driven by the lash Ambition lays on the Appointed One, When eager men from tasks perceived and done To new tasks reach, he … [Read more...] about The Explorer [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Colour — II [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Colour. — II. The Artist of the sky, and earth, and sea, From flowing East to far descending West; On the bold hill and under ocean’s breast, — She finds all … [Read more...] about Colour — II [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Colour — I [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Colour. — I. How Form and Shape from raw confusion grew, Old Writ records; but not His act more slow When from the phials He made the Colours flow: “Let there be … [Read more...] about Colour — I [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Mystic [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Mystic He stands enwrapt upon an Alpine pass — He in the light and under him the mist, His brow by glory and by knowledge kissed, His mouth oracular as … [Read more...] about The Mystic [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Grave [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Grave. Alas! thy uncommunicating eyes Are prest in clay; I reach a wistful hand And touch the earth that cannot understand — The earth that on thy earth … [Read more...] about The Grave [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
The Skull [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] The Skull. Oh bowl that held the hot imprisoned fire, Cup where the sacred essence used to burn — That fluent essence that shall ne’er return — Old home of … [Read more...] about The Skull [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Forgiven [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Forgiven. Say not you wronged me, though I thought last night, Your fault was all a crime, and made the vow That when I saw you with the bended brow Coming to … [Read more...] about Forgiven [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
Echo [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
[Editor: This poem by Mary Eliza Fullerton was published in Moods and Melodies: Sonnets and Lyrics (1908).] Echo. Men deem her irresponsible as shy, Crying her repetitions in the still And secret spots of mountain and of hill; Shouting along the rim of earth and … [Read more...] about Echo [poem by Mary E. Fullerton]
St. Valentine’s Day: A Privateering Ballad (1708—1710) [poem by E. J. Brady, 16 December 1899]
[Editor: This poem, by E. J. Brady, about the English privateer Captain Woodes Rogers (and with reference to Valentine’s Day), was published in The Critic (Adelaide, SA), 16 December 1899.] St. Valentine’s Day. A Privateering Ballad. (1708—1710.) By E. J. … [Read more...] about St. Valentine’s Day: A Privateering Ballad (1708—1710) [poem by E. J. Brady, 16 December 1899]
The Price of Meat [poem by “Humdinger”, 21 February 1920]
[Editor: This poem, by “Humdinger”, was published in Smith’s Weekly (Sydney, NSW), 21 February 1920. The poem is also known as “The Old Bull Stag”.] The Price of Meat The price of meat can only be reduced by the sale of inferior cattle. — News item. The bull-stag … [Read more...] about The Price of Meat [poem by “Humdinger”, 21 February 1920]