[Editor: This letter to the editor, written by L. E. Homfray, was published in The Wingham Chronicle, and Manning River Observer (Wingham, NSW), 29 November 1929.]
An appeal for our weaker brothers & sisters.
To the Editor “Wingham Chronicle.”
Sir, — Once again I appeal to your charity on behalf of the helpless little ones, who cannot plead for themselves.
These little feeble-minded children, by reason of their terrible afflictions, are not able to enjoy the Christmas entertainments, which are so generously provided at that time for the children of the poor.
What enjoyment they are to receive must be given to them in their own homes.
Therefore I appeal to you for small donations of money or gifts of toys.
Scraps of any material, or dressmakers’ cuttings, are always acceptable for dressing dolls.
We have more children needing gifts this Christmas, and just how many we can help depends upon each of you.
Such a small thing brings joy into these clouded lives, and if each reader of this appeal was to send one toy, or 1/- to purchase one — what a wonderful Christmas we should be able to give these — our most unfortunate little brothers and sisters.
Yours etc.,
(Miss) L. E. HOMFRAY,
“Tanglin,” Beecroft Road, Beecroft.
November, 1929.
The Wingham Chronicle, and Manning River Observer (Wingham, NSW), 29 November 1929, p. 3
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