[Editor: This poem by Philip Durham Lorimer was published in Songs and Verses by Philip Durham Lorimer: An Australian Bush Poet, 1901.]
In Memory of S. S.
Oh ! why with the leaves love ? why, why mingle there
In coldness, the last of thy beautiful bloom ?
Oh ! why to the earth love ; though midst our despair
Thy love leaves a sweetness to solace our gloom ;
To rest on a bosom, whose breast knows no sigh,
And leave us in sadness and sorrow to weep ;
Oh ! why among leaves love ? — Oh ! why there to lie ? —
To find in their silence, a hush for thy sleep.
Sydney, June, 1871.
E. A. Petherick (editor). Songs and Verses by Philip Durham Lorimer: An Australian Bush Poet, William Clowes and Sons, London, 1901, page 86
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