[Editor: This booklet by C. J. Dennis was published in 1917. As this publication did not have a contents page, a list of the contents has been provided so as to enable easier access to the text.]
By C. J. Dennis
Fer ’er sweet sake I’ve gone and chucked it clean:
The pubs an’ schools an’ all that leery game.
Fer when a bloke ’as come to know Doreen,
It ain’t the same.
There’s ’igher things, she sez, for blokes to do.
An’ I am ’arf believin’ that it’s true.
— The Sentimental Bloke
Sydney: Angus & Robertson Ltd.
Printed by W. C. Penfold & Co., Ltd., 183 Pitt Street, Sydney
Angus & Robertson Limited
Copyright in Canada and the United States of America.
Dramatic, Cinema and all other rights are reserved.
C. J. Dennis, Doreen, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1917
Editor’s notes:
The advertisements page of this publication, entitled “Pocket editions for the trenches”, has the date “October 1917”.
I have an original copy of this booklet, down to the string binding. It has a pencilled inscription on the title page ‘To Marie From Bill 21/3/’23’.
I would like to know what it’s value is. Can anyone help me?
The “Doreen” booklets were printed in large numbers, so their second-hand price is relatively low.
At present, copies are being sold for AU $11 to AU $60, depending on the quality.
For a “Doreen” booklet of good quality, a fair price would be about AU $20.