[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Bells and Bees: Verses (1910).]
A Spring Morning
The sky is blue and sunny,
Busy the wild bee thrums,
Now manna-dew and honey
Spill o’er from old red gums.
The bush gleams fresh and dewy
To lure her stragglers back;
A greybeard, humping bluey,
Goes whistling down the track.
From school brown children flocking
Rob many a woolly nest;
And the mother croons, a-rocking
Her baby at the breast.
To earth grown old and crabby
With lilt of youth comes Spring,
With bloom and bud and baby,
Each tender wistful thing.
She smoothes out Winter’s wrinkles;
And from her charmèd horn
With fiery dew she sprinkles
The Resurrection Morn.
Louis Esson, Bells and Bees: Verses, Melbourne: Thomas C. Lothian, 1910, [page 31]
Editor’s notes:
o’er = over (pronounced the same as “oar”, “or”, and “ore”)
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