[Editor: A short story by Louis Esson. Published in Adventure (New York), 18 July 1918.] The Pearl of Torres by Louis Esson When Ted Jarrett, of New York City, drifted into the picturesque pearling village by Torres Straits, the monotony of life had just been … [Read more...] about The Pearl of Torres [by Louis Esson, 18 July 1918]
Louis Esson (1878-1943) (author)
Invitation [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Invitation. To a Poet in Town. The Gum-trees look at town, and say: “When, Brother, will you come this way?” The River croons her Vesper-song: “Our Lover, will he now be … [Read more...] about Invitation [poem by Louis Esson]
A Street Fiddler [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] A Street Fiddler. I play my fiddle. Men pass by Or stare at me with glances cold. I give them joy of earth and sky, And they grow young, as I grow old. Hope, idleness, and sunny … [Read more...] about A Street Fiddler [poem by Louis Esson]
Vagabond [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Vagabond. What is the life for a man Since ever time began, But to break away Till breath be done At the end o’ day; To love the sun, And to laugh at the fun, The fun o’ the fair, … [Read more...] about Vagabond [poem by Louis Esson]
A Bullock-Driver’s Song [song by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This song by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] A Bullock-Driver’s Song. Gerrout! Yer gives er man the drought Callin’ yer, an’ haulin’ yer In the crick an’ out. * * * Mud an’ slush an’ slime! Yer Hindu calves, it’s … [Read more...] about A Bullock-Driver’s Song [song by Louis Esson]
“Swinging Douglas” [song by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This song by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912). This was one of two songs published in the book under the heading “Two Bush Songs”; the second was A Bullock-Driver’s Song.] Two Bush Songs. “Swinging Douglas.” (A Splitter’s … [Read more...] about “Swinging Douglas” [song by Louis Esson]
A Swagman’s Epitaph [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] A Swagman’s Epitaph. Tho’ by this Coolabah his body lies, He wakes to find that Death’s a grand surprise; Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, there and back, He’ll tramp it all, and whistle … [Read more...] about A Swagman’s Epitaph [poem by Louis Esson]
Jugger [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912). The poem is written from the viewpoint of someone celebrating the release of a friend from jail.] Jugger. Give the push the office, Pass the ’at erlong, Won’t the Flying Angels ’Ave er … [Read more...] about Jugger [poem by Louis Esson]
Back ter Little Lon [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Back ter Little Lon. Renie’s left her ’usband — eighteen months aw’y, In ’er cottage, Renie sadly struggled on — Left poor Bill lamentin’, wen she went astr’y, Liker lost sheep … [Read more...] about Back ter Little Lon [poem by Louis Esson]
The Opium Pipe [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] The Opium Pipe. Upon a mat the Chinese smoker lay Resting his head On bag of straw, beside a wooden tray With quaint bowls spread, And having filled his long-bulbed pipe, he … [Read more...] about The Opium Pipe [poem by Louis Esson]
The Never Never [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] The Never Never. Beyond the shearing shed, the final station, Beyond the desert sands of desolation Where lost sundowners tramp; Beyond prospector’s tent, and track of drover, Or … [Read more...] about The Never Never [poem by Louis Esson]
The Burnt Gully [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] The Burnt Gully. The sky is blue, the air is bright, Leaves glint, and waters croon; It is a gully of delight A Summer’s afternoon. And where the track climbs up the hill With … [Read more...] about The Burnt Gully [poem by Louis Esson]
The Bazaar of Death [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] The Bazaar of Death. (Chant Royal). Where Ganges rolls thro’ worlds of Circumstance, The Lotus, touched with Soma’s falling fire, Sleeps on the water’s jeweled radiance By Kasi’s … [Read more...] about The Bazaar of Death [poem by Louis Esson]
Progress [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Progress. Folk-song, temple, sacred trees, In the early world were these. Red brick chimneys, trade, machines, Man has learned what Progress means. Source: Louis Esson, Red … [Read more...] about Progress [poem by Louis Esson]
The Monk and the Faun [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] The Monk and the Faun. Clear tolled the urgent matin bell. Fra Angelo, with downward glance, Thrice crossed himself, and left the cell, All in the morning’s radiance, To grub the … [Read more...] about The Monk and the Faun [poem by Louis Esson]
Change [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Change. Everything fades and passes Like dew from the summer grasses Thebes and Memphis of old The dust of ages hold. Pale scholars now adore The Cretan Minotaur. And wild goats … [Read more...] about Change [poem by Louis Esson]
Caprice [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Caprice. (A Summer’s Day, Sydney Harbour). Blue and gold, and mist and sunlight, Veils of colour blent and blown In melodic monotone. Dark and bright, and white and dun … [Read more...] about Caprice [poem by Louis Esson]
Lament for the Dying Moon [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Lament for the Dying Moon. O little Moon, O little silver Moon, The reeds are trembling by the lone lagoon For you are fading, fading like a flower A tropic night has quenched in one … [Read more...] about Lament for the Dying Moon [poem by Louis Esson]
Hymn to the Earth [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Hymn to the Earth. We praise the Earth, the Mother Earth, for ever old and young, From whom the gods have taken birth, and men and beasts have sprung. She is Demeter, Isis, or is … [Read more...] about Hymn to the Earth [poem by Louis Esson]
Red Gums [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Red Gums and Other Verses (1912).] Red Gums. Chaucer’s love of English trees Laughs along the centuries. Mud-smeared saints, by Ganga stream Ever of the Lotus dream. Palmers seek the Cross of Christ, Merchants, wood … [Read more...] about Red Gums [poem by Louis Esson]
Red Gums and Other Verses [by Louis Esson, 1912]
[Editor: This book of poetry by Louis Esson was published in 1912. The inclusion of the heading “Bush Songs”, in the list of contents, is a reference to “Swinging Douglas” and “A Bullock-Driver’s Song”.] Red Gums and Other Verses by Louis Esson CONTENTS. Red … [Read more...] about Red Gums and Other Verses [by Louis Esson, 1912]
Nomad Chant [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Bells and Bees: Verses (1910).] Nomad Chant To E. J. Brady The Spring wind, brother, With marching music blows. Calling to one another, Children of the Mother, We go where the wind goes. New thoughts prick … [Read more...] about Nomad Chant [poem by Louis Esson]
Brogan’s Lane [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Bells and Bees: Verses (1910).] Brogan’s Lane There’s a crack in the city — down that sharp street In couples, and armed, tramp rossers on beat. Like a joss, silhouetted across the pane A Chinese face watches down … [Read more...] about Brogan’s Lane [poem by Louis Esson]
The Fisher [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Bells and Bees: Verses (1910).] The Fisher Vatea went fishing (he dwelt afar In the land of Aviki where marvels are.) He baited his hook with the evening star. The star quivered under the waves, and wrought Magical … [Read more...] about The Fisher [poem by Louis Esson]
Magpies [poem by Louis Esson]
[Editor: This poem by Louis Esson was published in Bells and Bees: Verses (1910).] Magpies I hear the cry of the magpies joyously gushing Over the morning, The carolling slogan of magpies, like a rill rushing, And sorrow scorning. Magpies, fill up my heart with the … [Read more...] about Magpies [poem by Louis Esson]