The Institute of Australian Culture has had a lot of visitors to the site over the years, with people from all around the world looking at what the site has to offer.
For those who are interested, a list is given here of all of the countries from which hits on the IAC site have come from.
Whilst the list is a lengthy one, the top five countries (in terms of numbers of hits) are:
1) Australia (66%)
2) United States of America (21%)
3) United Kingdom (2.3%)
4) India (2.2%)
5) New Zealand (1%)
All other countries combined (7.5%)
Regarding the list below, it should be noted that many of the countries listed represent visits of below 1000, with some below 100, or even in the single digits. For example, there were 15 hits from the Isle of Man, 11 hits from Paraguay, 6 hits from the Faroe Islands, 1 hit from the Falkland Islands, and 1 hit from Antarctica (and no hits at all from North Korea, oddly enough).
The IAC site has been visited from the following countries and locations
(As at 21 June 2022)
This list was based upon the “List of ISO 3166 country codes” on Wikipedia. Alphabetical notations, e.g. [a], pertain to the original notes on the Wikipedia page. An asterisk* indicates an additional entry (not included on the Wikipedia page).
The list includes each location’s name, official name [in square brackets], sovereignty notation (in round brackets), as well as the relevant Alpha-2 code, Alpha-3 code, and country code top-level domain. Where deemed appropriate, additional information has been added {in curly brackets}.
Afghanistan [The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan] AF AFG .af
Åland Islands [Åland] (Finland) AX ALA .ax
Albania [The Republic of Albania] AL ALB .al
Algeria [The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria] DZ DZA .dz
American Samoa [The Territory of American Samoa] (United States) AS ASM .as
Andorra [The Principality of Andorra] AD AND .ad
Angola [The Republic of Angola] AO AGO .ao
Anguilla (United Kingdom) AI AIA .ai
Antarctica [a] All land and ice shelves south of the 60th parallel south (Antarctic Treaty) AQ ATA .aq
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG .ag
Argentina [The Argentine Republic] AR ARG .ar
Armenia [The Republic of Armenia] AM ARM .am
Aruba (Netherlands) AW ABW .aw
Australia [b] [The Commonwealth of Australia] AU AUS .au
Austria [The Republic of Austria] AT AUT .at
Azerbaijan [The Republic of Azerbaijan] AZ AZE .az
Bahamas (the) [The Commonwealth of The Bahamas] BS BHS .bs
Bahrain [The Kingdom of Bahrain] BH BHR .bh
Bangladesh [The People’s Republic of Bangladesh] BD BGD .bd
Barbados BB BRB .bb
Belarus [The Republic of Belarus] BY BLR .by
Belgium [The Kingdom of Belgium] BE BEL .be
Belize BZ BLZ .bz
Benin [The Republic of Benin] BJ BEN .bj
Bermuda (United Kingdom) BM BMU .bm
Bhutan [The Kingdom of Bhutan] BT BTN .bt
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) [The Plurinational State of Bolivia] BO BOL .bo
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH .ba
Botswana [The Republic of Botswana] BW BWA .bw
Brazil [The Federative Republic of Brazil] BR BRA .br
Brunei Darussalam [e] [The Nation of Brunei, the Abode of Peace] BN BRN .bn
Bulgaria [The Republic of Bulgaria] BG BGR .bg
Burkina Faso BF BFA .bf
Burma – See: Myanmar.
Burundi [The Republic of Burundi] BI BDI .bi
Cabo Verde [f] [The Republic of Cabo Verde] CV CPV .cv
Cambodia [The Kingdom of Cambodia] KH KHM .kh
Cameroon [The Republic of Cameroon] CM CMR .cm
Canada CA CAN .ca
Cape Verde – See: Cabo Verde.
Cayman Islands (the) [The Cayman Islands] (United Kingdom) KY CYM .ky
Chile [The Republic of Chile] CL CHL .cl
China [The People’s Republic of China] CN CHN .cn
China, The Republic of – See: Taiwan (Province of China).
Christmas Island [The Territory of Christmas Island] (Australia) CX CXR .cx
Colombia [The Republic of Colombia] CO COL .co
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) [The Democratic Republic of the Congo] CD COD .cd
Cook Islands (the) [The Cook Islands] (New Zealand) CK COK .ck
Costa Rica [The Republic of Costa Rica] CR CRI .cr
Croatia [The Republic of Croatia] HR HRV .hr
Cuba [The Republic of Cuba] CU CUB .cu
Curaçao [The Country of Curaçao] (Netherlands) CW CUW .cw
Cyprus [The Republic of Cyprus] CY CYP .cy
Czechia [i] [The Czech Republic] CZ CZE .cz
Democratic Republic of the Congo – See: Congo, The Democratic Republic of the.
Denmark [The Kingdom of Denmark] DK DNK .dk
Dominica [The Commonwealth of Dominica] DM DMA .dm
Dominican Republic (the) [The Dominican Republic] DO DOM .do
East Timor – See: Timor-Leste.
Ecuador [The Republic of Ecuador] EC ECU .ec
Egypt [The Arab Republic of Egypt] EG EGY .eg
El Salvador [The Republic of El Salvador] SV SLV .sv
England – See: United Kingdom, The. {statistics are not included separately}
Estonia [The Republic of Estonia] EE EST .ee
Ethiopia [The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia] ET ETH .et
* European Union
Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas] [k] [The Falkland Islands] (United Kingdom) FK FLK .fk
Faroe Islands (the) [The Faroe Islands] (Denmark) FO FRO .fo
Fiji [The Republic of Fiji] FJ FJI .fj
Finland [The Republic of Finland] FI FIN .fi
France [l] [The French Republic] FR FRA .fr
French Guiana [Guyane] (France) GF GUF .gf
French Polynesia (France) PF PYF .pf
Gambia (the) [The Republic of The Gambia] GM GMB .gm
Georgia GE GEO .ge
Germany [The Federal Republic of Germany] DE DEU .de
Ghana [The Republic of Ghana] GH GHA .gh
Gibraltar (United Kingdom) GI GIB .gi
Great Britain – See: United Kingdom, The.
Greece [The Hellenic Republic] GR GRC .gr
Greenland [Kalaallit Nunaat] (Denmark) GL GRL .gl
Grenada GD GRD .gd
Guadeloupe (France) GP GLP .gp
Guam [The Territory of Guam] (United States) GU GUM .gu
Guatemala [The Republic of Guatemala] GT GTM .gt
Guernsey [The Bailiwick of Guernsey] (British Crown) GG GGY .gg
Guinea [The Republic of Guinea] GN GIN .gn
Guyana [The Co-operative Republic of Guyana] GY GUY .gy
Haiti [The Republic of Haiti] HT HTI .ht
Hawaiian Islands – See: United States of America, The. {statistics are not included separately}
Holy See (the) [n] [The Holy See] VA VAT .va
Honduras [The Republic of Honduras] HN HND .hn
Hong Kong [The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China][10] (China) HK HKG .hk
Hungary HU HUN .hu
Iceland [Iceland] IS ISL .is
India [The Republic of India] IN IND .in
Indonesia [The Republic of Indonesia] ID IDN .id
Iraq [The Republic of Iraq] IQ IRQ .iq
Ireland IE IRL .ie
Isle of Man [The Isle of Man] (British Crown) IM IMN .im
Israel [The State of Israel] IL ISR .il
Italy [The Italian Republic] IT ITA .it
Jamaica JM JAM .jm
Japan JP JPN .jp
Jersey [The Bailiwick of Jersey] (British Crown) JE JEY .je
Jordan [The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan] JO JOR .jo
Kazakhstan [The Republic of Kazakhstan] KZ KAZ .kz
Kenya [The Republic of Kenya] KE KEN .ke
Korea (the Republic of) [p] [The Republic of Korea] KR KOR .kr
Kuwait [The State of Kuwait] KW KWT .kw
Kyrgyzstan [The Kyrgyz Republic] KG KGZ .kg
Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) [q] [The Lao People’s Democratic Republic] LA LAO .la
* Laos – See: Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
Latvia [The Republic of Latvia] LV LVA .lv
Lebanon [The Lebanese Republic] LB LBN .lb
Lesotho [The Kingdom of Lesotho] LS LSO .ls
Libya [The State of Libya] LY LBY .ly
Lithuania [The Republic of Lithuania] LT LTU .lt
Luxembourg [The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg] LU LUX .lu
Macao [r] [The Macao Special Administrative Region of China][11] (China) MO MAC .mo
* Macedonia – See: North Macedonia.
Madagascar [The Republic of Madagascar] MG MDG .mg
Malawi [The Republic of Malawi] MW MWI .mw
Malaysia MY MYS .my
Maldives [The Republic of Maldives] MV MDV .mv
Mali [The Republic of Mali] ML MLI .ml
Malta [The Republic of Malta] MT MLT .mt
Martinique (France) MQ MTQ .mq
Mauritania [The Islamic Republic of Mauritania] MR MRT .mr
Mauritius [The Republic of Mauritius] MU MUS .mu
Mayotte [The Department of Mayotte] (France) YT MYT .yt
Mexico [The United Mexican States] MX MEX .mx
Micronesia (Federated States of) [The Federated States of Micronesia] FM FSM .fm
Moldova (the Republic of) [The Republic of Moldova] MD MDA .md
Mongolia MN MNG .mn
Montenegro ME MNE .me
Montserrat (United Kingdom) MS MSR .ms
Morocco [The Kingdom of Morocco] MA MAR .ma
Mozambique [The Republic of Mozambique] MZ MOZ .mz
Myanmar [t] [The Republic of the Union of Myanmar] MM MMR .mm
Namibia [The Republic of Namibia] NA NAM .na
Nepal [The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal] NP NPL .np
Netherlands (the) [The Kingdom of the Netherlands] NL NLD .nl
New Caledonia (France) NC NCL .nc
New Zealand NZ NZL .nz
Nicaragua [The Republic of Nicaragua] NI NIC .ni
Nigeria [The Federal Republic of Nigeria] NG NGA .ng
Niue (New Zealand) NU NIU .nu
Norfolk Island [The Territory of Norfolk Island] (Australia) NF NFK .nf
North Macedonia [s] [The Republic of North Macedonia][12] MK MKD
Northern Ireland – See: United Kingdom, The. {statistics are not included separately}
Northern Mariana Islands (the) [The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands] (United States) MP MNP .mp
Norway [The Kingdom of Norway] NO NOR .no
Oman [The Sultanate of Oman] OM OMN .om
Pakistan [The Islamic Republic of Pakistan] PK PAK .pk
Palestine, State of [The State of Palestine] PS PSE .ps
Panama [The Republic of Panamá] PA PAN .pa
Papua New Guinea [The Independent State of Papua New Guinea] PG PNG .pg
Paraguay [The Republic of Paraguay] PY PRY .py
People’s Republic of China – See: China.
Peru [The Republic of Perú] PE PER .pe
Philippines (the) [The Republic of the Philippines] PH PHL .ph
Poland [The Republic of Poland] PL POL .pl
Portugal [The Portuguese Republic] PT PRT .pt
Puerto Rico [The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico] (United States) PR PRI .pr
Qatar [The State of Qatar] QA QAT .qa
Republic of China – See: Taiwan (Province of China).
Republic of Korea – See: Korea, The Republic of.
Réunion (France) RE REU .re
Romania RO ROU .ro
Russian Federation (the) [v] [The Russian Federation] RU RUS .ru
Rwanda [The Republic of Rwanda] RW RWA .rw
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA .kn
Saint Lucia LC LCA .lc
Saint Martin (French part) [The Collectivity of Saint-Martin] (France) MF MAF .mf
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT .vc
Samoa [The Independent State of Samoa] WS WSM .ws
Saudi Arabia [The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] SA SAU .sa
Scotland – See: United Kingdom, The. {statistics are not included separately}
Senegal [The Republic of Senegal] SN SEN .sn
Serbia [The Republic of Serbia] RS SRB .rs
Sierra Leone [The Republic of Sierra Leone] SL SLE .sl
Singapore [The Republic of Singapore] SG SGP .sg
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) [Sint Maarten] (Netherlands) SX SXM .sx
Slovakia [The Slovak Republic] SK SVK .sk
Slovenia [The Republic of Slovenia] SI SVN .si
Solomon Islands [The Solomon Islands] SB SLB .sb
Somalia [The Federal Republic of Somalia] SO SOM .so
South Africa [The Republic of South Africa] ZA ZAF .za
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (United Kingdom) GS SGS .gs
South Korea – See: Korea, The Republic of.
South Sudan [The Republic of South Sudan] SS SSD .ss
Spain [The Kingdom of Spain] ES ESP .es
Sri Lanka [The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka] LK LKA .lk
Sudan (the) [The Republic of the Sudan] SD SDN .sd
Suriname [The Republic of Suriname] SR SUR .sr
Sweden [The Kingdom of Sweden] SE SWE .se
Switzerland [The Swiss Confederation] CH CHE .ch
* Syria – See: Syrian Arab Republic.
Syrian Arab Republic (the) [x] [The Syrian Arab Republic] SY SYR .sy
Taiwan (Province of China) [y] [The Republic of China] [z] TW TWN .tw
Tanzania, the United Republic of [The United Republic of Tanzania] TZ TZA .tz
Thailand [The Kingdom of Thailand] TH THA .th
Timor-Leste [aa] [The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste] TL TLS .tl
Togo [The Togolese Republic] TG TGO .tg
Tonga [The Kingdom of Tonga] TO TON .to
Trinidad and Tobago [The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago] TT TTO .tt
Tunisia [The Republic of Tunisia] TN TUN .tn
Turkey [The Republic of Turkey] TR TUR .tr
Turks and Caicos Islands (the) [The Turks and Caicos Islands] (United Kingdom) TC TCA .tc
Uganda [The Republic of Uganda] UG UGA .ug
Ukraine UA UKR .ua
United Arab Emirates (the) [The United Arab Emirates] AE ARE .ae
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) GB GBR .gb .uk [ab]
United States of America (the) US USA .us
United States Virgin Islands – See: Virgin Islands (U.S.).
Uruguay [The Oriental Republic of Uruguay] UY URY .uy
Uzbekistan [The Republic of Uzbekistan] UZ UZB .uz
Vanuatu [The Republic of Vanuatu] VU VUT .vu
Vatican City – See: Holy See, The.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) [The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela] VE VEN .ve
Viet Nam [ae] [The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam] VN VNM .vn
Virgin Islands (U.S.) [ag] [The Virgin Islands of the United States] (United States) VI VIR .vi
Wales – See: United Kingdom, The. {statistics are not included separately}
Yemen [The Republic of Yemen] YE YEM .ye
Zambia [The Republic of Zambia] ZM ZMB .zm
Zimbabwe [The Republic of Zimbabwe] ZW ZWE .zw
1) The Democratic Republic of the Congo is listed in the IAC statistics as “Congo – Kinshasa”.
2) “European Union” was not included in the “List of ISO 3166 country codes” on Wikipedia, but is listed in the IAC statistics.
The IAC site has not been visited from the following countries and locations
(As at 21 June 2022)
Bonaire; Sint Eustatius; Saba [Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba] (Netherlands) BQ BES .bq .nl [c]
Bouvet Island (Norway) BV BVT [d]
British Indian Ocean Territory (the) [The British Indian Ocean Territory] (United Kingdom) IO IOT .io
British Virgin Islands – See: Virgin Islands (British).
Caribbean Netherlands – See: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
Central African Republic (the) [The Central African Republic] CF CAF .cf
Chad [The Republic of Chad] TD TCD .td
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) [The Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands] (Australia) CC CCK .cc
Comoros (the) [The Union of the Comoros] KM COM .km
Congo (the) [g] [The Republic of the Congo] CG COG .cg
Côte d’Ivoire [h] [The Republic of Côte d’Ivoire] CI CIV .ci
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – See: Korea, The Democratic People’s Republic of.
Djibouti [The Republic of Djibouti] DJ DJI .dj
Equatorial Guinea [The Republic of Equatorial Guinea] GQ GNQ .gq
Eritrea [The State of Eritrea] ER ERI .er
Eswatini [j] [The Kingdom of Eswatini] SZ SWZ .sz
French Southern Territories (the) [m] [The French Southern and Antarctic Lands] (France) TF ATF .tf
Gabon [The Gabonese Republic] GA GAB .ga
Guinea-Bissau [The Republic of Guinea-Bissau] GW GNB .gw
Heard Island and McDonald Islands [The Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands] (Australia) HM HMD .hm
Iran (Islamic Republic of) [The Islamic Republic of Iran] IR IRN .ir
Ivory Coast – See: Côte d’Ivoire.
Jan Mayen – See: Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Kiribati [The Republic of Kiribati] KI KIR .ki
Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of) [o] [The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ] KP PRK .kp
Liberia [The Republic of Liberia] LR LBR .lr
Liechtenstein [The Principality of Liechtenstein] LI LIE .li
Marshall Islands (the) [The Republic of the Marshall Islands] MH MHL .mh
Monaco [The Principality of Monaco] MC MCO .mc
Nauru [The Republic of Nauru] NR NRU .nr
Niger (the) [The Republic of the Niger] NE NER .ne
North Korea – See: Korea, The Democratic People’s Republic of.
Palau [The Republic of Palau] PW PLW .pw
Pitcairn [u] [The Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands] (United Kingdom) PN PCN .pn
Republic of the Congo – See: Congo, The.
Saba – See: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic – See: Western Sahara.
Saint Barthélemy [The Collectivity of Saint-Barthélemy] (France) BL BLM .bl
Saint Helena; Ascension Island; Tristan da Cunha [Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha] (United Kingdom) SH SHN .sh
Saint Pierre and Miquelon [The Overseas Collectivity of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon] (France) PM SPM .pm
San Marino [The Republic of San Marino] SM SMR .sm
Sao Tome and Principe [The Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe] ST STP .st
Seychelles [The Republic of Seychelles] SC SYC .sc
Sint Eustatius – See: Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.
Svalbard; Jan Mayen [Svalbard and Jan Mayen] (Norway) SJ SJM [w]
* Swaziland – See: Eswatini.
Tajikistan [The Republic of Tajikistan] TJ TJK .tj
Tokelau (New Zealand) TK TKL .tk
Turkmenistan TM TKM .tm
Tuvalu TV TUV .tv
United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) [ac] [Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island] (United States) UM UMI [ad]
Virgin Islands (British) [af] [The Virgin Islands] (United Kingdom) VG VGB .vg
Wallis and Futuna [The Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands] (France) WF WLF .wf
Western Sahara [ah] [The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic] [ai] EH ESH [aj]
Places without a country code top-level domain (ccTLD), from which visits cannot be separately noted
Akrotiri and Dhekelia – See: United Kingdom, The. {on the island of Cyprus}
Ashmore and Cartier Islands – See: Australia. {off the north-west coast of Australia}
Clipperton Island – See: France. {in the eastern Pacific Ocean, west of Mexico}
Coral Sea Islands – See: Australia. {off the north-east coast of Australia}
England – See: United Kingdom, The.
Hawaiian Islands – See: United States of America, The.
Northern Ireland – See: United Kingdom, The.
Scotland – See: United Kingdom, The.
Wales – See: United Kingdom, The.
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