[Editor: An advertisement for tenders for ships for the transportation of convicts to New South Wales. Published in The London Gazette, 20-24 November 1798.]
Transport-Office, November 23, 1798.
The Commissioners for conducting His Majesty’s Transport Service, and for the Care and Custody of Prisoners of War, do hereby give Notice, that on Friday the 30th Instant, they will be ready to receive Tenders for a Ship, capable of conveying about 250 Convicts, more or less, with a Quantity of Stores, consisting of Provisions, Clothing, &c. from Waterford to Port Jackson, in New South Wales.
No Tender will be received after Twelve o’Clock, nor any noticed, unless the Parties, or an Agent for them, personally attend.
The London Gazette (London, UK), number 15082, 20-24 November 1798 [“From Tuesday November 20, to Saturday November 24, 1798”], page 1114
Also published in:
The London Gazette (London, UK), number 15083, 24-27 November 1798 [“From Saturday November 24, to Tuesday November 27, 1798”], page 1128
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