[Editor: This letter from James Jerome Kenneally was published in The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 13 January 1934.]
The Kelly Gang.
In “The Age” of Tuesday your Sydney special representative states that a movie maker, is shooting scenes in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales for The Life of The Kelly Gang, and makes several incorrect statements when commenting thereon.
If your Sydney representative had made himself acquainted with the contents of “The Complete Inner History of the Kelly Gang and Their Pursuers” he would not have stated that “up to a few years ago the Kelly house was still standing, being used as a barn.” The Kelly house is still standing, and is occupied by its present owner. A weekly Melbourne paper recently paid compensation to me for an infringement of my copyright by reproducing from my book, “The Kelly Homestead.” The Kelly house was never used as a barn.
Furthermore, the Kelly gang had no fastness in the Strathbogie Ranges, which were rarely, if ever, visited by them on account of the inconvenient distance of over 35 miles from Greta.
It is evident that your correspondent has been led astray by some of the many fictitious books on the Kelly gang.
As the relatives and friends of the Kellys have at last lost patience with the multitude of cowardly libellers of both the living and the dead, it is understood that a move will be made in the near future to organise a meeting in the Kelly country, at which a small committee of censors will be elected, with power to take direct or indirect action against the enemies of truth and justice.
— J. J. KENNEALLY (Essendon).
The Age (Melbourne, Vic.), 13 January 1934, p. 15
Editor’s notes:
fastness = a fortress, a stronghold; a place which is well-situated for a steadfast defence (e.g. a hilltop, a mountain); a secure and/or fortified place, especially one which is well-protected by natural features (such as a mountain, cliffs, etc.)
[Editor: The original text has been separated into paragraphs.]
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