[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] The new world The superb administrative and organising skills found throughout society are essential for the building of the new world. A comprehensive community concept covering all aspects of human … [Read more...] about Chapter 9 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 8 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] Practical revolution In order to bring about the desired re-organisation of human affairs, the supreme need is for every individual to picture in his mind the kind of leisured life he would like to lead … [Read more...] about Chapter 8 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 7 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] The land On the land, the assorted shallow beliefs of civilisation pervert human aspirations and relationships no less than in the cities. Few people live in order to achieve an immortal happiness, but … [Read more...] about Chapter 7 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 6 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] Sectional thinking. Arising from the failure to achieve an understanding of natural law, is a fantastic superincumbence of capital and bureaucratic works vastly in excess of real human needs. … [Read more...] about Chapter 6 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 5 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] Law no. 3: The law of economics. The third law enables any person to understand easily the basic structure of a society fashioned according to an enlightened conception of the human personality. It is … [Read more...] about Chapter 5 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 4 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] Law no. 2: The law of human activity. A simple law which has eluded the vast majority throughout history relates the individual personality to his material environment. It states that the final form of … [Read more...] about Chapter 4 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 3 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] The adventurous personality When “rationality,” “reason” and “logic” are found to be very useful in accomplishing certain tasks within certain limits, they are over-extended in the impatient search for … [Read more...] about Chapter 3 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 2 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] Law no. 1: The law of human nature This law describes a quality of the human personality and the source of happiness. It seems likely that the human mind must grow continually, to become illimitable … [Read more...] about Chapter 2 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Chapter 1 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is a chapter from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] The theory of revolution Since earliest times, human understanding has been widened by the discovery of natural laws. Intellectually alert people, irrespective of their material circumstances, have … [Read more...] about Chapter 1 [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Foreward [Australianism, by John Fisher]
[Editor: This is the Foreword from Australianism (1954) by John Fisher.] Foreword Capitalism, Communism, and “Socialization” policies stand condemned for their blind faith in “competition” and the “profit-motive”. “Australianism” emphasizes the mystery of human wisdom, … [Read more...] about Foreward [Australianism, by John Fisher]
Bibliography [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
[Editor: This is the bibliography section of From Phillip to McKell: The Story of Australia (1949) by Rex Ingamells.] Books consulted in the writing of the article Barton, G. B., History of New South Wales from The Records, Vol. I — Governor Philip. Brown, P. L. (Ed.), … [Read more...] about Bibliography [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
Section 5 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
[Editor: This is section 5 of From Phillip to McKell: The Story of Australia (1949) by Rex Ingamells.] The Commonwealth In the first half of the Twentieth Century, Australia has advanced to undoubted nationhood through decades chequered and underlined with issues, events … [Read more...] about Section 5 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
Section 4 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
[Editor: This is section 4 of From Phillip to McKell: The Story of Australia (1949) by Rex Ingamells.] Golden democracy W. C. Wentworth and the son of John Macarthur, leaders respectively of Emancipists and Exclusives, appeared on the same public platform in a campaign to … [Read more...] about Section 4 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
Section 3 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
[Editor: This is section 3 of From Phillip to McKell: The Story of Australia (1949) by Rex Ingamells.] The wool industry Ex-officers of the Corps who remained in New South Wales took their place among the Exclusives, that class of free-born settlers opposed to the … [Read more...] about Section 3 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
Section 2 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
[Editor: This is section 2 of From Phillip to McKell: The Story of Australia (1949) by Rex Ingamells.] Convict colonies That Phillip had bright visions of Australia’s future did not alter the nature of the settlement he had to manage. He was Governor of a prison … [Read more...] about Section 2 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
Section 1 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
[Editor: This is section 1 of From Phillip to McKell: The Story of Australia (1949) by Rex Ingamells.] Europe comes to Australia Spanish and Portuguese sailors pioneered Europe’s oceanic trade with the Philippines and the Spice Islands, the Spaniards sailing from the … [Read more...] about Section 1 [From Phillip to McKell, by Rex Ingamells]
Book 4, chapter 24 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XXIV. In the depths of the sea. Night now shrouded the waters of the Gulf, and the clouds spread out their heavy mantles between the stars … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 24 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 23 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XXIII. On board the ‘Hi Lung’. Leaving Charleville the day after his conversation with Count Zenski, the Mongol leader travelled direct to … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 23 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 22 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XXII. An alternative. Led by Dromeroff, the Mongol columns resumed their march on Brisbane the day after the battle. Had the defeat been … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 22 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 21 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XXI. Commissioner Wang gets a left-hander. While Leroy, surrounded by orderlies and accompanied by Dromeroff and other staff-officers, was … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 21 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 20 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XX. Sauve qui peut!. From the hill lately occupied by the chief of the national army, General Leroy now directed the pursuit. With the … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 20 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 19 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XIX. The battle. On the summit of a slight rise a group of cavalry officers stood looking through their glasses out over the level lands … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 19 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 18 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XVIII. At the outposts. About the time that Count Zenski left General Leroy’s tent, Ted Johnson, now a Major, having finished the circuit … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 18 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 17 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XVII. Count Zenski again warns Philip Orloff. While the various Australian Cabinets, awakened from their long dream of false security by … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 17 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
Book 4, chapter 16 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]
[Editor: This is a chapter from The Yellow Wave: A Romance of the Asiatic Invasion of Australia (1895) by Kenneth Mackay.] Chapter XVI. The call to arms. On September 24 the intelligence that war had been declared, accompanied by a warning with regard to possible … [Read more...] about Book 4, chapter 16 [The Yellow Wave, by Kenneth Mackay, 1895]