[Editor: These publication notes were published in The Bulletin Reciter, 1901.]
[Publication notes]
The contents of this Book were originally published in THE
BULLETIN. The following verses have been republished —
“Off the Grass” (p.7), “How We Won the Ribbon” (p.183), “A Scotch Night” (p.232) in FAIR GIRLS AND GRAY HORSES: WITH OTHER VERSES ; Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited, 1898.
“What the Bottle Said” (p. 123) in THE WAYS OF MANY WATERS ; Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited, 1899.
“The Anarchist” (p.128) in MAORILAND : AND OTHER VERSES ; Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited, 1899.
“The Road to Wyoming” (p.145) in STARLIGHT SONGS ; London, Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., 1895.
“Bashful Gleeson” (p. 166) in RHYMES FROM THE MINES AND OTHER LINES ; Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1896.
“Skeeta” (p.170) in Where THE DEAD MEN LIE, AND OTHER VERSES ; Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1897.
“The Currency Lass” (p.176) in THE CIRCLING HEARTHS ; Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited, 1901.
“The Tugs of Simpsonville” (p.193), “The Bush Missionary” (p.218), in HITS ! SKITS ! AND JINGLES ! Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited, 1899.
“Faces in the Street” (p.213) in A GOLDEN SHANTY ; Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited, 1890. Also in IN THE DAYS WHEN THE WORLD WAS WIDE AND OTHER VERSES ; Sydney, Angus and Robertson, 1896.
“The Last Bullet” (p.221) in A GOLDEN SHANTY ; Sydney, The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited : also (as “Virginius”) in HOW HE DIED AND OTHER POEMS ; Sydney, Turner and Henderson, 1887.
Copyright 1901, by The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Limited.
A.G. Stephens (editor). The Bulletin Reciter: A Collection of Verses for Recitation from “The Bulletin” [1880-1901], The Bulletin Newspaper Company, Sydney, 1902 [first published 1901], page vi
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