[Editor: This poem for children, by Eva Oakley, was published in Willie Wagtail, Two Little Romances and Other Verses (1945).]
“Pom and Tom Again”
One day, when Pom was walking out,
With Mistress, in the park,
Bill said, “I’ll lob upon her back;
It will be such a lark.”
But Tommie came along again,
And said, “My word! I’ll leap
Upon Pom’s back and catch young Bill;
So quietly, I’ll creep.”
But Pommie’s Mistress saw the bird
Alight upon her — pat!
Then she saw Tom, and said, “Fly off,
For there’s that naughty cat.”
I never saw Bill go so fast,
As he went that fine day,
Until he reached the highest tree,
And, on it, he did stay.
Eva Oakley, Willie Wagtail, Two Little Romances and Other Verses, Melbourne: Austral Printing & Publishing Company, [1950], p. 3
Editor’s notes:
pat = the sound of a light slap or tap (especially as made by a flat object; or by a light object, e.g. the sound of rain landing upon a surface, pitter-patter), the sound of a light footstep; hit pat, to hit or strike with a flat blow, to land a flat blow; a light tap (especially using the flat of a hand; especially in an affectionate, affirming, or congratulatory manner)
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