[Editor: This list contains various works by Grant Hervey; for biographical information, click here.]
Articles by Grant Hervey:
The present status of Australian literature [25 September 1913]
Letter from Grant Hervey urging that Australian literature be used as a way to build the Australian nation.
Books by Grant Hervey:
[Books published during Grant Hervey’s lifetime, arranged by year of publication.]
1913: Australians Yet and Other Verses, Melbourne: Thomas C. Lothian [the poems from this book are included in the list of poems below]
[1926]: V. [Vincent] Read (editor), Motherhood, a Compilation of Prose and Verse on the Subject Beautiful, [Brisbane: V. Read] [a substantial number of poems by Grant Hervey were included in this volume]
1934: An Eden of the Good : A Novel, London: Heritage
Poems by Grant Hervey:
Among the Thieves [AYOV 1913]
“Another Fall of Earth” [AYOV 1913]
Australia [AYOV 1913]
Australians Yet [AYOV 1913]
Back to the Bush [AYOV 1913]
Ballad of Exile [AYOV 1913]
Ballad of Jock McPhun [AYOV 1913]
Ballad of the Drums [AYOV 1913]
Ballad of the Man Far Inland [AYOV 1913]
A Ballad of the Road [AYOV 1913]
Battle Hymn of the New Australia [AYOV 1913]
Black Maria [AYOV 1913]
The Buccaneers [AYOV 1913]
Buenos Ayres [AYOV 1913]
Bull, the Ruler [20 July 1911]
The Coal-Ships [AYOV 1913]
The Corruption of Angeldom [4 January 1903]
The Driver [AYOV 1913]
Dutton’s Grave [AYOV 1913]
Five Years [AYOV 1913]
The Girls of the Morning [AYOV 1913]
The Girl Who Came Between [AYOV 1913]
The Gods and the Girls [AYOV 1913]
Going Blind [AYOV 1913]
The Hardest Road [21 December 1902]
Have You Set Your Standards High ? [AYOV 1913]
His Monument [AYOV 1913]
Home [AYOV 1913]
Homer is My Friend [AYOV 1913]
Home-Sick [AYOV 1913]
An Idyll of the Rail [AYOV 1913]
I Hear Australia Singing [AYOV 1913]
In Praise of Children [AYOV 1913]
Io ! [11 January 1903]
The Jingoes Have Their Lesson: Kruger Returns [16 July 1905]
The Joy of Life [AYOV 1913]
Kids [AYOV 1913]
Kisses and Sin [AYOV 1913]
The Land Where the Long Liquors Grow [18 January 1903]
Leaving the Town ! [AYOV 1913]
Lips and Stars [AYOV 1913]
“London Board !” [27 November 1910]
“The Man You Might Have Been” [AYOV 1913]
The Masters of the Sea [AYOV 1913]
A Molloy Melody [28 December 1902]
Mulga-Land [AYOV 1913]
My Creed [AYOV 1913]
My Lady is Waiting for Me [AYOV 1913]
My Morning Rose [AYOV 1913]
The Need for Men [AYOV 1913]
The New Song and the New Singer [AYOV 1913]
The Night I Spent in Quod [AYOV 1913]
The Night the Liner Died [AYOV 1913]
The Old “Blues” [AYOV 1913]
The Old Colonial Days [AYOV 1913]
The Passing of Captain Banks [AYOV 1913]
Portland Bay (Victoria) [AYOV 1913]
A Prophetic Pome [18 January 1903]
“Rolling Her Home” [AYOV 1913]
Shell [AYOV 1913]
Silk Cracker Days [AYOV 1913]
A Song of Men and Women [AYOV 1913]
A Song of Ships [AYOV 1913]
A Song of the Millennium [AYOV 1913]
A Song of Work [AYOV 1913]
Star-Set [AYOV 1913]
Steerage to the West [21 December 1902]
The Strength To Be [AYOV 1913]
The Sweater’s Dream [AYOV 1913]
Thro’ Storm and Gloom [AYOV 1913]
The Town of God-Forgotten [AYOV 1913]
Transcontinental Railways [AYOV 1913]
Tribute [AYOV 1913]
Two Stars [AYOV 1913]
Upon the Hills [AYOV 1913]
A Vagabond Heart [AYOV 1913]
A Visit from the Zoo [AYOV 1913]
The Voice of God [AYOV 1913]
Walkers [AYOV 1913]
The Western Road [AYOV 1913]
When a Fellow Does His Damnedest [AYOV 1913]
“When a Man’s Rubbed Out” [28 December 1902]
When a Man’s Sewing Buttons on his Pants [4 January 1903]
When Ships and Harbours Part [AYOV 1913]
“When the Doctor Will Not Come” [AYOV 1913]
When the Shoddy Idols Go [AYOV 1913]
When Your Brains Are Out On Strike [18 January 1903]
When Your Hat Blows Off [11 January 1903]
The Whirligig of Time [AYOV 1913]
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